Communicating your research
Academic communication, whether written or verbal, requires you to be effective, precise and engaging. During your PhD you will have plenty of opportunities to develop these skills so that by the end you are ready with a well written Thesis and can deliver a successful Viva.
Communicating Blocks
To continue to develop your communication skills during your doctorate, you have access to a range of College expertise:
- Your Supervisor - will provide feedback on your work, but particularly on the scientific aspect of your writing. They will be able to give you guidance and advice in your discipline area.
- The Centre for Academic English - provides an extensive support to develop the academic STEMM communication competence of all academics, researchers and students, both native and non-native speakers.
- The Library - offers you support on information management, optimising search criteria, managing your references, preparing thesis for open access, selecting copyright licence for your work.
- The Graduate School – will support you through the process of producing a thesis, a grant application, or a publication, focusing on their structure and audience.