Attendance requirement
The Graduate School is proud to deliver award winning and sector leading professional development opportunities to postgraduate students at Imperial College London. The importance of professional development is recognised nationally by the funding councils and other funding bodies and is a key part of the educational experience at Imperial. Our suite of programmes offers students opportunities to develop attributes which are valued by a broad range of employers and it also supports students to develop as world-class researchers.
Doctoral Students (PhD, MD[Res] and EngD): The College requires all doctoral students to achieve a minimum of four Graduate School credits, by the Late Stage Review (LSR). In addition to these credits, the online doctoral plagiarism awareness course must be completed by the Early Stage Assessment (ESA). Credits should be accumulated as follows:
- By the Early Stage Assessment (ESA) - 2 credits + mandatory Plagiarism Awareness Online Course.
- By the Late Stage Review (LSR) - a further 2 credits
Course Type | Credit |
Online courses | 1 |
Face-to-face workshops | 1 |
Webinars | 1 |
1 Day Retreat | 1 |
2 Day Retreat | 3 |
5 Day Global Fellows Programme | 4 |
The Online Plagiarism Awareness Course is compulsory for all Doctoral students and should be completed by the ESA, but does NOT count towards the minimum attendance requirement.
If you are unsure how many credits the course you are registered to attend is worth, please check the website; course credits are listed under each course description.
*For further information about the ESA and LSR, please see the 'Milestones for Research Degrees' section of the Academic Governance website.