Patrick Brandl
Supervisor: Niall Mac Dowell, Jason P Hallett
Research Project: Techno-economic screening of absorption-based CO2 capture
Asmaa Aly Harraz
Supervisors: Christos N. Markides; Niall Mac Dowell
Research Project: Developing alternative working fluids for solar-powered refrigeration systems
Caroline Ganzer
Supervisor: Niall Mac Dowell
Research Project: Pathways to net-zero for power, heat, transport, and industry in the UK
Solene Chiquier
Supervisor: Niall Mac Dowell
Research Project: The role and value of CDR in delivering the Paris Agreement
Yoga Wienda Pratama
Supervisor: Niall Mac Dowell
Current research project: The role and value of clean energy technologies in energy systems of different system characteristics
Augustin Prado
Supervisor: Niall Mac Dowell, Mathilde Fajardy
Research Project: Interaction between negative emission technologies and the power system in the UK.
Roghayeh Dejan AlGhaithi
Supervisor: Niall Mac Dowell
Research Project: European Energy Transition: Pathway to Net-Zero by 2050
Matthias Mersch
Supervisors: Niall Mac Dowell, Christos N. Markides
Research Project: Technology and system optimisation for efficient low-carbon energy transitions, IDLES project
Diego Freire
Supervisor: Gonzalo Guillen-Gosalbez, Nilay Shah, Niall Mac Dowell
Research Project: Production of sustainable synthetic fuels with the potential to replace fossil analogues
Judy Jingwei Xie
Supervisors: Niall Mac Dowell, Piera Patrizio
Research Project: Socially equitable pathways towards net zero
Marwan Sendi
Supervisors: Paul Fennell, Niall Mac Dowell, Mai Bui
Research Project: Co-production of water with CO2 removal from the air, for the Middle East

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