Publications from our Researchers
Several of our current PhD candidates and fellow researchers at the Data Science Institute have published, or in the proccess of publishing, papers to present their research.
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Journal articleMa Y, Richards M, Ghanem M, et al., 2008,
Air pollution monitoring and mining based on sensor grid in London
, Sensors, Vol: 8, Pages: 3601-3623, ISSN: 1424-8220In this paper, we present a distributed infrastructure based on wireless sensors network and Grid computing technology for air pollution monitoring and mining, which aims to develop low-cost and ubiquitous sensor networks to collect real-time, large scale and comprehensive environmental data from road traffic emissions for air pollution monitoring in urban environment. The main informatics challenges in respect to constructing the high-throughput sensor Grid are discussed in this paper. We present a twolayer network framework, a P2P e-Science Grid architecture, and the distributed data mining algorithm as the solutions to address the challenges. We simulated the system in TinyOS to examine the operation of each sensor as well as the networking performance. We also present the distributed data mining result to examine the effectiveness of the algorithm.
Conference paperCurcin V, Ghanem M, Wendel P, et al., 2007,
Heterogeneous workflows in scientific workflow systems
, Publisher: Springer, Pages: 204-211 -
Conference paperLiu J, Ghanem M, Curcin V, et al., 2006,
Achievements and Experiences from a Grid-Based Earthquake Analysis and Modelling Study \r\n
, Publisher: IEEE Computer Society PressWe have developed and used a grid-based geoinformatics infrastructure and analytical methods for investigating the relationship between macro and microscale earthquake deformational processes by linking geographically distributed and computationally intensive earthquake monitoring and modelling tools. Using this infrastructure, measurement of lateral co-seismic deformation is carried out with imageodesy algorithms running on servers at the London eScience Centre. The resultant deformation field is used to initialise geomechanical simulations of the earthquake deformation running on supercomputers based at the University of Oklahoma. This paper describes the details of our work, summarizes our scientific results and details our experiences from implementing and testing the distributed infrastructure and analysis workflow.
Journal articleLu Q, Hao P, Curcin V, et al., 2006,
KDE bioscience: Platform for bioinformatics analysis workflows
, JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL INFORMATICS, Vol: 39, Pages: 440-450, ISSN: 1532-0464- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 17
Conference paperRichards M, Ghanem M, Osmond MA, et al., 2006,
Grid based analysis of air pollution data
, Proceedings of the 4th European conference on ecological modelling, 4th international workshop on environmental applications of data mining (ECEM/EAML 2004), Publisher: Elsevier, Pages: 274-286, ISSN: 0304-3800 -
Conference paperEl-Shishiny H, Soliman THA, Emam I, 2006,
Mining drug targets: The challenges and a proposed framework
, Pages: 239-244, ISSN: 1530-1346Drug target identification, being the first phase in drug discovery is becoming an overly time consuming process and in many cases produces inefficient results due to failure of conventional approaches to investigate large scale data. The main goal of this work is to identify drug targets, where there are genes or proteins associated with specific diseases. With the help of Microarray technology, the relationship between biological entities such as protein-protein, gene-gene and related chemical compounds are used as a means to identify drug targets. In this work, we focus on the challenges facing drug target discovery and propose a novel unified framework for mining disease related drug targets. © 2006 IEEE.
Conference paperLiu JG, Ghanem M, Curcin V, et al., 2006,
Distributed, high-performance earthquake deformation analysis and modelling facilitated by Discovery Net
Conference paperCohen J, James C, Rahman S, et al., 2006,
Modelling Rail Passenger Movements through e-Science Methods
Conference paperGhanem M, Ratcliffe J, Curcin V, et al., 2005,
Using Text Mining for Understanding Insulin Signalling
, 4th UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2005\r\n -
Journal articleCurcin V, Ghanem M, Guo Y, 2005,
Web services in the life sciences
, Drug discovery today, Vol: 10, Pages: 865-871 -
Journal articleGilardoni F, Curcin V, Karunanayake K, et al., 2005,
Integrated informatics in life and materials sciences: An oxymoron?
, QSAR & Combinatorial Science, Vol: 24, Pages: 120-130 -
Conference paperGhanem M, Guo Y, Hassard J, et al., 2004,
Sensor Grids for air pollution monitoring
, 3rd UK e-Science All-hands Conference AHM 2004, Nottingham, UK, Publisher: EPSRC, Pages: 106-113 -
Conference paperAu, AKTP, Curcin V, et al., 2004,
Why grid-based data mining matters? fighting natural disasters on the grid: from SARS to land slides
, UK e-science all-hands meeting, AHM 2004, Nottingham, UK, September 2004, Publisher: EPSRC, Pages: 121-126 -
Conference paperCurcin V, Ghanem M, Guo Y, et al., 2004,
IT service infrastructure for integrative systems biology
, Los Alamitos, SCC 2004. IEEE international conference on services computing, Publisher: IEEE Computer Soc, Pages: 123-131 -
Conference paperCurcin V, Ghanem M, Guo Y, et al., 2002,
Discovery net: towards a grid of knowledge discovery
, ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge discovery and data mining, Publisher: Association for Computing Machinery, Pages: 658-663
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