The co-directors of the DSI are supported by:

A Management Committee – providing cross-College operational leadership for the Institute
The committee comprises the co-directors and the institute's operations manager. The committee is responsible for setting out the Institute's development plan and for guiding the operations team in its implementation. It is chaired by the directors of the Institute.

A Board of Lab Directors – developing and implementing the strategic direction of the Institute
The board consists of senior internal stakeholders, who are active in data science related research. The Board’s purpose is to oversee strategic implementation, ensuring the Institute’s research, education and translation objectives are met. The Board is chaired by the directors of the Institute.

An Advisory Board – guiding the strategic direction of the Institute
The Advisory Board is comprised of senior, external figures in the field of data science and other subject areas from industry, a range of public and private sectors and academia. The Advisory Board is chaired by Sir Keith O’Nions.


Management Committe
Mark Kennedy

Dr Mark Kennedy


Dr Mark Kennedy is co-director of the Data Science Institute since 2019. He is also the lab director of the DSI Business Analytics Lab, as well as Associate Professor of Organisational Behavior and Strategy at the Imperial College Business School.

Lab Directors


Dr Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye

Computational Privacy Lab Director

Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye is Assistant Professor in the Department of Computing and Research fellow at the Data Science Institute. He was previously a postdoctoral researcher at Harvard IQSS and was recently named Innovator under 35 for Belgium (TR35). 


Professor William Knottenbelt

Data Economy Lab Director

William Knottenbelt is Professor of Applied Quantitative Analysis in the Analysis, Engineering, Simulation and Optimization of Performance (AESOP) group in the Department of Computing at Imperial College London. 


Dr Mark Kennedy

Business Analytics Lab Director

Mark Kennedy is lab director of the DSI Business Analytics Lab , as well as Associate Professor of Organisational Behavior and Strategy at the Imperial College Business School. 


Professor Chris Pain 

Data Assimilation Lab Director

Chris Pain is Professor in the Department of Earth Science and Engineering, as well as head of the Applied Computation and Modelling Group (AMCG) at Imperial College London. 


Professor Armand Leroi 

Social and Cultural Analytics Lab Director

Armand Leroi is an author, broadcaster, and Professor of Evolutionary Developmental Biology at Imperial College London.


Dr Aldo Faisal

Behavioural Analytics Lab Director

Aldo Faisal is Senior Lecturer in Neurotechnology jointly at the Departments of Bioengineering and Computing at Imperial College London. 


Professor Alessandra Russo

Machine Learning Lab Director

Alessandra Russo leads the Structured and Probabilistic Knowledge Engineering (SPIKE) research group and her research interests are in the the areas of in  Computational Logic, Logic-based Symbolic Learning, Probabilistic and Distributed Inference, and their applications to Intelligent Adaptive Systems, Security, Network Management, Distributed Control Systems for Sensor Networks, and System Biology.  

Advisory Board


Keith O' Nions  (Chair)   

Sir Keith O’Nions was President and Rector of Imperial College until 1st September 2014. He became Chair of Cambridge Enterprise in 2014 and Chair of the British Geological Survey in 2017.
Sir Keith has previously held the positions of Professor of Geology at Columbia University, Royal Society Research Professor at University of Cambridge and Head of Earth Sciences at University of Oxford.
He currently serves on the Board of A*Star, Singapore and is also a Trustee of The Black Stork Charity (Defence National Rehabilitation Centre). At Imperial he is a member of the Advisory Board to the Blast Injury Centre.
Sir Keith was knighted for services to earth sciences in the 1999 Queen's Birthday Honours.

Deborah Ashby

Professor Deborah Ashby‌ OBE

Deborah Ashby is Director of the School of Public Health at Imperial College London where she holds the Chair in Medical Statistics and Clinical Trials, and was Founding Co-Director of Imperial Clinical Trials Unit. 
Deborah was awarded the OBE for services to medicine in 2009, appointed an NIHR Senior Investigator in 2010, elected a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences in 2012 and will be President of the Royal Statistical Society for 2019 and 2020. 


Larry Hirst CBE

Until 2010, Larry Hirst was chairman of IBM Europe, Middle East and Africa. He represented IBM to the European Commission, NATO and the EDA on issues of international public policy and business regulation. Currently Larry is an ambassador to the Everywoman company and Black British Business, launched the UK HeForShe campaign, is a Government Advocate for Men as Agents of change and is on the 30% Club technology Board. He is a member of the Government Cyber Research Council.

 Jackie Hunter  Jackie Hunter

Jackie Hunter is currently a Board Director of BenevolentAI, a UK unicorn company that uses artificial intelligence to disrupt the drug discovery and development process. She has held numerous senior leadership positions in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and innovation industries, working for a number of companies including SmithKline Beecham, GSK, Proximagen and latterly OI Pharma Partners, which she founded in 2010. Jackie served as CEO of the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council between 2013 and 2016. She is also a Fellow of the British Pharmacological Society and of the Academy of Medical Sciences. For her services to the pharmaceutical industry, she was awarded a CBE in 2010 Birthday Honours and the 2010 Women of Achievement in Science, Engineering and Technology Award for Discovery, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. She is a member of the Biomedical Advisory Board member for A* Singapore and a non-Executive Director of the UK Bioindustry Association.

Sir John O'Reilly

Sir John O'Reilly

Currently Chairman of the Science and Engineering Research Council of A*STAR, Singapore, Chairman of NICC (Standards) Ltd - the pan-telecoms industry and government body responsible for ensuring network and services interoperability in the UK - and Chairman of ERA Foundation Ltd., Sir John’s career has spanned universities, industry and government. He is a Visiting Professor at UCL and a Royal Academy of Engineering Industrial Visiting Professor at the University of Huddersfield supporting Industrial Digitalisation activities. 

Professor Mary Ryan

Professor Mary Ryan, is Vice-Provost (Research and Enterprise) at Imperial College. She is responsible for promoting, supporting and facilitating the College's research performance, for leading on the delivery of the Research Strategy and overseeing the College's enterprise activities.  She is currently also Professor of Materials Science and Nanotechnology, and Vice-Dean for Research in the Faculty of Engineering.

PaulTaylor Paul Taylor

Paul has led the delivery of some of the most demanding national security programmes in the UK, operating at the very highest levels of government.  Paul’s contribution to the world of science technology was recognised by his election as a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering in 2013, where he now sits on the UK’s Engineering Policy Committee.
Currently Paul leads KPMG’s Information Protection and Business Resilience practice in the UK.

Paul J Tayler Professor Paul J Taylor

Professor Paul J. Taylor, CPsychol.
Paul is director of the UK’s Centre for Research and Evidence on Security Threats. Commissioned by the ESRC with funding from the UK intelligence and security services, CREST is a national hub for behavioural science and security. Its community of over 125 researchers from 34 Institutions have, through their research and engagement with users, added value to diverse areas of policy and practice, including those in the data sciences. Paul is a Professor of Psychology at Lancaster University and Professor of Human Interaction at the University of Twente in the Netherlands.

Professor Paul Matthews

Paul Matthews, OBE, MD, DPhil, FRCP, FMedSci is Head of the Department of Brain Sciences in the Faculty of Medicine of Imperial College London. He is Head of the UK Dementia Research Institute at Imperial and an Associate Director of the UK Dementia Research Institute nationally.

Summary of the table's contents