Contact us
If you're looking to get involved with societal engagement and want to find out more, here are some key contacts for different areas of engagement.
If you'd like to be listed among the engagement contacts here, please get in touch.
Key engagement contacts
Want to find out about central College engagement activities, or how to support our work?
Get in touch with the central societal engagement team.
Public engagement with research
For enquiries regarding the Festival and other public engagement programmes, get in touch with the programmes team.
If you'd like to know more about our public engagement strategy, opportunities and initiatives, ask us.
Similarly, please contact us if you are considering applying for engagement funding, or are including engagement as part of a research proposal or pathways to impact statement.
Schools outreach
Interested in how we work with schools and colleges, or would you like to support our work? Contact the Outreach team.
You can also learn more about our schools outreach work.
Patient and public involvement/ engagement
Want to find more about patient and public involvement, how to get involved or collaborate with us? Contact the PPI team.
Community engagement
If you'd like to learn more about our work with the local community at White City or if you have ideas and suggestions, contact our community engagement team.