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Meet the Business School Careers APAC Team and see their Top Tips
Imperial College Business School Careers has two staff dedicated to the APAC sector: Bei and Tara.
Bei (Xiaobei Wu) is an experienced bilingual Career Consultant (APAC Career Lead), and is normally based in the London. She engages with current students and recent alumni for the APAC region. Based on her 15 years’ wide ranging experience from school counselling, international recruitment, to university career service, she is providing a wide range of award-winning career support to students across multiple programmes. She has an BSc in Psychology, an MSc in Management of Training and Development from The University of Edinburgh and trained by The University of Warwick as qualified Career Consultant. As an ex-international student herself, Bei has a deep understanding of APAC students’ hopes and concerns and is always passionate in supporting this group.
Tara (Tara Linyi He) is the Head of Employer Relations (APAC). On top of her employer liaison hat, she is also providing career support for APAC alumni as a career consultant. She is based in Singapore but is visiting and engaging with companies in mainland China and across APAC on a regular basis to discuss employment trends, employment opportunities and candidate requirements, and with alumni to offer career coaching. Tara holds an MBA from Singapore Management University. She is a Certified Career Services Provider (CCSP) and Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF). Her passion is connecting people to resources that support their career aspirations.
Top Tip One – Improving employability and maximising success for APAC students
Firstly, complete the Career Primer and gain access to The Hub and Symplicity, and make the most use of career resources there.
It sounds so obvious and simple, but you will be surprised how many students are not aware of the depth of resource available on these platforms and how helpful those resource can be. For example, if you do not know how to write an appealing CV to an employer, we have step by step CV guidance in the Careers Primer; or if you’re interested in consultancy firms but want to know more about their work life, or how to break into the area, we have the Consulting Careers module that can help. If you need help with online testing, we have resources to allow you to practice the up-to-date psychometric tests; or if you already have an interview invitation, we have a database where you can find company/industry insights to give you an extra advantage during your interview!
Since your academic studies will demand a lot of your time/attention from September, now is the perfect time to focus on career preparation. The earlier you can complete the career primer course and gain access to the rest of the resources, the better position you can be for the job market!
Top Tip Two – Securing a job in the UK
If you have less than 2 years full time experience and are planning to launch your career through campus hire (The Milk Round), you need to start your preparations now. The big employer graduate schemes in the UK start hiring one year in advance, with some big finance firms closing their application stages as early as September. In the upcoming month, you need to decide your target employers, prepare your CV, prep for online tests and video interviews, so you will ready to go when the application window opens. If you are not sure about any of the above, you can book one to one consultation appointments with a Career Consultant (starting with a Career Welcome Meeting is recommended).
If you have more than two years full time experience and are expecting to go via the experienced direct hire route, you have more preparation time, since the peak time for job hunting is typically around May to July.
You should start researching your areas of interest and actively engage in networking. This will maximise your opportunities over the next 10 months. If you are unsure how to take advantage of the various e-networking opportunities available.
Please note: you will need to complete the Careers Primer to gain access to a career appointment booking, so do not forget Top Tip One!
Top Tip Three – Recommendations for returning to APAC after graduation
Firstly, you need to familiarise yourself with your target countries hiring practices, which may differ for graduate and experienced hires. You need to know the key dates for your experience level and sector. This will inform your personal approach to securing a position in your home country. If you are not sure how to start, come and have a chat with the team.
As always, start networking as soon as possible. Today is a good a day as any to start. Make sure you keep your network warm whilst you are in the UK. With modern communication, keeping these contacts live is easier than ever. By keeping in touch with your networks, you will gain an understanding of your home market. Employers have cited a lack of knowledge of local markets and customers as a concern. By demonstrating you have, not only, world-class academics but also local knowledge you will be seen as a true ‘global candidate’.
If you want to know more, or want to create your personal career success plan, complete the Careers Primer and book a career appointment with either Bei (Xiaobei Wu) or one of her colleagues! Tara will not be available for career consultations as she is busy engaging with potential employers to generate new opportunities for you. Be sure to keep an eye out for these.
Bei Wu - Career Consultant APAC