Our academics regularly publish in journals with international impact and readership. Here's a selection of research papers published or accepted for publication, during the current academic year (2024–25).

Accepted Papers: November 2024

Author Title Journal/Volume
Wiesemann, Wolfram Multi-stage robust mixed-integer programming

Operations Research

Talluri, Kalyan On Dynamic Pricing with Covariates

Operations Research



Previous accepted papers

Author Title Journal/Volume
Talaifar, Sanaz Lifestyle polarization on a college campus: Do liberals and conservatives behave differently in everyday life?

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

Wiesemann, Wolfram Distributionally robust optimization


Ibragimov, Rustam Robust inference on income inequality: t-statistic based approach

Econometric Reviews

Demirci, Ozge How Gen AI Is Already Impacting the Labor Market

Harvard Business Review

Gentilini,  Arianna How are patient inputs considered in HTA? A thematic document analysis of NICE ultra-rare disease appraisals

European Journal of Health Economics

Author Title Journal/Volume
Laydon, Daniel Policy impact of the Imperial College COVID-19 Response Team: global perspective and UK case study

Health Research Policy and Systems

Cory-Wright, Ryan A Stochastic Benders Decomposition Scheme for Large-Scale Stochastic Network Design

INFORMS Journal on Computing

Moore, Celia Passion penalizes women and advantages (unexceptional) men in high-potential designations

Organization Science

Viscusi, Gianluigi Unboxing maturity models: A set-theoretic perspective on e-Government configurations over time

Journal od Strategic Information Systems

Author Title Journal/Volume
Moore, Celia A (Bounded) Preference for Rule Breakers

Academy of Management Discoveries

Kennedy, Mark Beyond the Turing Test: Exploring the implications of generative AI for category construction Organization Theory
Allen, Franklin Inflation, money demand and portfolio choice

Journal of International Business Studies

Eisingerich, Andreas Is there a danger of making customers feel too empowered? Exploring the double-edged sword of customer orientation and creative benefits

European Journal of Marketing

Pizzo, Elena Evaluating an early social communication intervention for young children with Down syndrome (ASCEND): results from a feasibility randomised control trial Pilot and Feasibility Studies
Chemla, Gilles Too much, too soon, for too long: The dynamics of competitive executive compensation The Journal of Finance