Research can be disseminated in many different forms: articles, books, datasets, presentations and reports to name a few. Altmetric has increasing coverage of research published in all these types of outputs. 

In line with the College’s commitment to consider the value and impact of all research outputs when evaluating research, students and staff are encouraged to consider non-journal article outputs when searching or presenting Altmetric data.  

However, methods of identify non-journal article outputs are less well established than traditional journal articles. Because of this, it can be trickier to search for them in Altmetric. Also, if the output has never received a mention from the sources tracked, Altmetric will not be able to identify it.  

Read below for advice on searching for a range of research output types. 

Research output typeHow Altmetric can identify it Easiest way to search for it in Advanced Search 
Book/book chapter  Author, title or ISBN In ‘TYPE OF OUTPUT’ select ‘Books’ and/or ‘Book chapters’ and then search by author or title. If this does not work, search for the book’s ISBN in ‘SCHOLARLY IDENTIFIERS’
Presentation  DOI Presentation files uploaded to Zenodo or Figshare are minted a DOI. Search for the DOI in the ‘SCHOLARLY IDENTIFIERS’ filter
Preprint  DOI  Many established preprint servers assign DOIs to preprints. Search for the DOI in ‘SCHOLARLY IDENTIFIERS’
Thesis/dissertation  Handle  If the thesis/dissertation has been deposited in Imperial’s repository Spiral, select ‘HANDLE PREFIX’ filter and enter ‘10044’. Then enter the title into ‘TITLE OF OUTPUT’ 
Working paper/report  Handle or DOI If the document has been deposited in Imperial’s repository Spiral: select ‘HANDLE PREFIX’ filter and enter ‘10044’. Then enter the title into ‘TITLE OF OUTPUT’. Alternatively, if the document has been uploaded to Zenodo, it will have been minted a DOI. Then search by the DOI in the ‘SCHOLARLY IDENTIFIERS’
Data  DOI  Use ‘TYPE OF OUTPUT’ to select only ‘Data sets’ and search by author. If this doesn’t work and the dataset has been uploaded to a repository such as Figshare, Zenodo or Dryad it will have been minted a DOI. Search for the DOI in ‘SCHOLARLY IDENTIFIERS’ 
Summary of the table's contents

Guidance on depositing different types of research outputs