Useful links

The Erasmus Student Charter contains the principles governing an Erasmus mobility period.

General information about undertaking placements is available via our Placements webpage, including the Placements Abroad Handbook.

As the UK is not participating in the latest Erasmus scheme the college is prioritising its remaining budget to fund undergraduate year abroad mobility in 2021-22. Therefore, it is unlikely that funds will be available to support traineeships and applications are currently closed.

If you are an undergraduate student planning on undertaking your Year in Industry in 2021-22 please read below.

Erasmus details

If you are planning to undertake your year in industry in 2021-22 you cannot apply until July 2021 (subject to the UK’s involvement in the Erasmus programme). However, your departmental year in industry co-ordinator should contact the Assistant Registrar (Placements), Mr Adrian Hawksworth at the earliest possible opportunity.

Further information is available via our Brexit update page and the Erasmus+ webpage.

If you have any queries regarding placement funding please contact Student Financial Support.