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Check out these five articles from Imperial College Business School that offer some practical tips and insights into how to listen, communicate and network

As a manager or a policy maker, you know how important it is to communicate effectively and lead by example. But sometimes, it can be challenging to get your message across, motivate your team, and handle feedback. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of five articles from Imperial College Business School academics that offer some practical tips and insights on how to improve your leadership and communication skills.  

Whether you want to tell a compelling story, listen more attentively, network more strategically, think more responsibly, or learn from Yoda, these articles will help you become a better leader and communicator. 

1. Make those around you feel seen, safe and valued 

Responsible leadership is more than just a buzzword, it’s a mindset that can help leaders create positive social and environmental impact while achieving their business goals. In this article, Professor Celia Moore shares some examples of responsible leaders who have made a difference in their industries and communities. 

2. Get employees onside with a story  

Stories are powerful tools for communication. They can capture attention, convey emotions and persuade others. But how do you craft a story that resonates with your audience and aligns with your goals? In this article, Dr Elena Dalpiaz explains how Alessi, a design firm, used narratives to reinvent itself as a creative leader and how you can apply the same techniques to your own organisation. Discover the power of storytelling as a strategic tool for mobilising employees and stakeholders around a core idea. 

3. Stop shouting and start listening  

Do you think that being a successful leader means being assertive, dominant and loud? Think again. In this article, you will learn from Dr Ileana Stigliani how listening to your employees and sharing your own personal experiences can boost your results and create a more positive work environment. Find out how to develop empathy, trust and collaboration as key leadership skills and how to apply them in different situations. 

4. Recognise that networking is something you do every day 

Networking is essential for any professional, but it can also be daunting and frustrating. How do you make meaningful connections, avoid awkwardness, and maintain your contacts? In this article, Dr Anne ter Wal examines different types of networks, and shares some common networking mistakes and how to avoid them.  

5. Listen to Yoda when it comes to negative feedback 

Negative feedback can be hard to take, but it can also be valuable for learning and improvement. How do you handle negative feedback without getting defensive or discouraged? In this article, Visiting Professor Nelson Phillips draws on the wisdom of Yoda, the legendary Jedi Master from Star Wars, to show how to embrace feedback as a gift, not a threat, and use it to identify and enhance your strengths and weaknesses. 

If you want to read more insights from Imperial College Business School experts on management topics such as strategy and leadership, entrepreneurship and innovation, finance, economics and public policy, analytics and digital transformation, marketing, health management, and climate change and sustainability, visit the IB Knowledge homepage

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