Awards in front of a floral background

We hope you find all the information you need here, but if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch. 

1.0 Alumni eligibility and judging process

1.1 Alumni eligibility

  • The nominee must have completed an undergraduate or postgraduate degree at Imperial College London or one of the associated colleges or medical Schools.
  • Alumni who have previously won an award in any category will not be eligible to win the same award again or win in another category in a consecutive year.

The following alumni are ineligible for nomination:

  • Active politicians.
  • Deceased alumni (no posthumous awards will be made).

1.2 Judging process

  • Eligible nominations will be shortlisted by the Alumni Relations Office. The shortlisted nominees will then be considered against the published criteria by a panel of judges.
  • The judges will select the winner(s) for each category and their decision will be final.
  • No communication will be entered into with any person in relation to any decision by the judges.
  • If there are no nominees considered of sufficient merit in any or all of the categories in any year, the judges may choose not to make an award in any or all of the categories.
  • If there is more than one exceptional nomination in any or all categories, the judges can choose to give more than one award.

2.0 Nominations and winners

2.1 Eligibility to nominate

  • Anyone is eligible to nominate an alumnus for an award. This includes Imperial College London alumni, staff, students, Court and Council members, friends, family, colleagues etc.
  • Alumni are invited to self-nominate providing they submit a supporting letter from an independent referee/seconder. Support letters must be received within the deadline date for nominations.
  • Self-nominations without a supporting letter will not be accepted.

2.2 Submission details

  • All nominations must be made in English.
  • The nominator must complete and submit the online nomination form by 5 August 2024.
  • The nomination form must be completed in full to be considered. Please ensure sufficient information is provided to enable fair consideration to be given.
  • Incomplete nominations or those that do not fulfil the criteria will not be considered.
  • Changes to nominations will not be accepted after the deadline has passed. Awards will not be made based on the number of times a person is nominated.
  • Alumni must select one category when submitting a self-nomination.
  • Nominators must select one category for each alumnus they nominate.
  • Alumni who receive nominations in more than one category can only be shortlisted in one category.
  • Should you wish to change the category which you have chosen for the nomination, you will need to withdraw your nomination from that category and resubmit in another category by the deadline of 5 August 2024. See 2.3 for details about withdrawing your nomination.

2.2.1 Additional submission details for the Alumni Entrepreneur Award category

  • Individual nominations can be submitted if the other co-founder is not an Imperial alumnus.
  • We encourage Imperial co-founders to submit a joint nomination including all co-founders if they are active in the company/organisation.
  • Joint-nomination forms must be completed in full by each nominee to be considered.

2.3 Withdrawal from the Alumni Awards

  • Nominations can be withdrawn any time before 5 August 2024. Notice of withdrawal must sent via email to
  • In the event of a successful nominee declining to accept the award the judging panel may choose, but is not obliged, to offer the award to an alternative nominee.

2.4 Announcement of the winners

  • All nominators will be contacted about the outcome of their nomination(s).
  • Nominees will not be contacted unless they have won an award or submitted a self-nomination.
  • Award winners will be informed via email in October 2024.
  • Awards winners will be asked to commit to a telephone interview and photo shoot and to provide further information in preparation for the awards announcement.
  • Award winners will be formally announced in January 2025.
  • Award winners will be invited to a celebratory event in 2025.
  • Nominators will be informed if their nominee has won an award once the winners have been confirmed.

3.0 Award criteria

The criteria for awarding the Alumni Awards for each category will be as outlined below. Nominators must ensure that nominees meet eligibility criteria for the award in which they are being nominated.

3.1 Emerging Alumni Leader Award

This award recognises and celebrates our rising stars, innovators, game-changers and future leaders.

Criteria/ an alumnus who:

  • Graduated from Imperial College London in the last 15 years.
  • Is making significant contributions to advancing their field.
  • Has demonstrated determination and motivation whilst leading and striving for excellence.
  • Can demonstrate the tangible impact of their work.
  • Is an inspiring role model, mentor or champion for equality.
  • Is making a positive contribution to their community, or impact on society through their professional, voluntary or charitable activities.

3.2 Distinguished Alumni Award

This award recognises and celebrates outstanding alumni who have demonstrated sustained excellence in their personal and professional achievements, are leaders in their field or have made a substantial impact on society.

Criteria/ an alumnus who:

  • Can demonstrate the scale and tangible impact of their work and achievements over a number of years.
  • Has transformed their field, challenged boundaries or developed innovative solutions.
  • Has received formal recognition from their peers, industry or community.
  • Is an exemplary role model, inspiring leader or champion for equality.
  • Is paving the way for, mentoring and supporting the next generation.
  • Is Influencing change or making a positive impact on society through their professional, voluntary or charitable activities.

3.3 Alumni Entrepreneur Award

This award recognises and celebrates innovative and creative alumni entrepreneurs who can demonstrate commercial success, growth and impact.

Joint nominations for up to three alumni co-founders will be accepted for this award. All nominees will need to meet the criteria to be considered for the award.

Criteria/ an alumnus who:

  • Has founded or co-founded one or more commercially viable companies.
  • Can demonstrate commercial success, business growth and tangible achievements of their company.
  • Is a motivated self-starter who has demonstrated exceptional drive and leadership and has taken bold decisions to make their company a success.
  • Has received external recognition and/or validation from their peers and/or the industry.
  • Is an inspiring role model, mentor or champion for equality in their industry.
  • Is making a positive contribution to their community, or impact on society through their company, voluntary or charitable activities.

4.0 Personal data

  • Imperial College London is a personal data controller registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office. We process personal data in accordance with UK data protection law and the College Data Protection Policy.
  • Personal data provided as part of the Alumni Award nominations will be processed for the purposes of shortlisting nominees and selecting and contacting winners, as described in these Terms & Conditions.
  • In addition, personal data will be processed in accordance with the Advancement Privacy Notice. See the privacy notice for further details, including your rights to withdraw consent, object to marketing, and access or erase the personal data we hold or restrict its use.
  • If you have preferences as to how the College contacts you, or would prefer not to receive communications from us, you can let us know by emailing or calling +44 (0)20 7594 6138. Alumni can also complete this online form to update their contact details and communication preferences at any time.

4.1 Special Category Data

  • Special category data is any data revealing or concerning an individual’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, health, sex life, sexual orientation, trade union membership, genetic data or biometric data. We do not ask for or require this type of data but sometimes it may be relevant to a nomination.
  • If you are nominating yourself and choose to include special category data about yourself in your submission, we take this as your consent for us to process this data. If you are nominating someone else and wish to include special category data about them in your submission, you must make sure you have their consent to share this data with us.

5.0 General

  • The Alumni Relations Office reserves the right to make a final decision on any individual’s eligibility for the awards.
  • Shortlisted nominees will be assessed in relation to the College Relationship Review Policy.
  • The judging process and the results are confidential and will not be shared.
  • Judges are required to declare any conflict of interest and will not be allowed to judge entries in which they have any interest.

Contact us about the Alumni Awards

Kellianne Bartley
Alumni Engagement Officer
+44 (0)20 7594 6138