
Caption: "With my research, I try to understand how many species of dinosaurs were there at the end of their evolutionary legacy, before they vanished forever 66 million years ago." Alessandro Chiarenza - Cohort 2

Charlotte Page

Caption: "My project looks at trying to understand what environmental factors may be causing spatial differences in bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef." Charlotte Page - Cohort 4

Hamish Beath

Caption: "My PhD uses and develops models of off-grid power systems to simulate their lifetime, and ask questions relevant to stakeholders, with the aim of providing low-carbon power to more people." Hamish Beath - Cohort 4

Robert Allen

Caption: "My PhD uses geophysical data – extremely accurate measurements of the Earth’s velocity, relief, magnetic and gravitational fields - to investigate the structure of the volcanic islands of the Lesser Antilles." Robert Allen - Cohort 3

Trajectories in the North Atlantic

Caption: "Ocean currents carry heat, pollution and even missing plane wings across the global ocean. Using tracks of floating objects, my research helps understand how distant parts of the ocean are connected and what this means for the material being carried." Ronan McAdam - Cohort 2


The breadth and multidiscplinarity of research carried out by our DTP students.


The SSCP’s key scientific challenge is to understand and quantify complex biological, physical and human systems, and the interactions between them, in sufficient detail to predict and manage future change. This knowledge is used to develop innovative technical, business and policy responses to environmental and societal challenges.

We aim to equip the next generation of researchers with the scientific knowledge, research and broader skills to enable them to make significant and long-term contributions to environmental and economic well being on a changing planet. 

Find out more about how we impact policy and industry.


Our students look at every corner of the globe

Any questions?

For any queries related to our SSCP DTP studentships, please contact our Doctoral Training Coordinator, Christiane Morgan (c.morgan@imperial.ac.uk)