Staff-Student Committee

Our Staff-Student Committee is way for students to feed their ideas back to the DTP management, acting as a voice for the cohort, as well as providing opportunities for social interaction and collaboration.

Student feedback is key to shaping our strategy for the SSCP DTP.

The committee consists of student representatives and the DTP Administration team. The committee meet quaterly to review programme content and arrange social events, training courses as well as welfare initiatives.  To contact the SSCP DTP Student Committee, email

Student Committee Members

Alexandra Beikert

Alexandra Beikert
Academic Rep

Sam Orchard

Sam Orchard
Academic Rep

Cecil Lee-Grant

Cecil Lee-Grant
Academic Rep

Tiantian Cheng

Tiantian Cheng
Joint DTP Conference Rep

Elaine Gao

Elaine Gao
Joint DTP Conference Rep

Zongtai Shen

Zongtai Shen
Joint DTP Conference Rep

Youli Yu

Youli Yu
Joint DTP Conference Rep

Kaya Jumbe

Kaya Jumbe
Changing Planet Seminar Series Rep

Meherun Nesha

Meherun Nesha
Changing Planet Seminar Series Rep

Rhys Preston-Allen

Rhys Preston-Allen
Changing Planet Seminar Series Rep

Gail Sucharitakul

Gail Sucharitakul
Changing Planet Seminar rep

Yue Yin

Yue Yin
Changing Planet Seminar rep

Theo Brook

Theo Brook
EDI Education Committee Rep

Jessica Hunter

Jessica Hunter
EDI Committte REP

Giulia Bernardini

Giulia Bernardini
EDI Committee Rep (Women in STEM)

John Estopen

John Estopen
EDI Education Committee Rep

Alina Yang

Alina Yang
EDI Education Committee Rep (Women in STEM)

James Evans

James Evans
EDI Education Committee Rep

Jacob Francis

Jacob Francis
EDI Education Committee Rep

Lillian Ladu

Lillian Ladu
EDI Education Committee Rep

Neel Le Penru

Neel Le Penru
EDI Education Committee Rep

Sanjee Panditharatne

Sanjee Panditharatne
EDI Education Committee Rep

Shyam Sharma

Shyam Sharma
EDI Education Committee Rep

Martha Day

Martha Day
Friends of the Grantham Institute Rep

Elsy Milan

Elsy Milan
Friends of the Grantham Institute Rep

Tai Zhang

Tai Zhang
Friends of the Grantham Institute Rep

Ben Pery

Ben Pery
Social and Welfare Rep

Eirini Sampson

Eirini Sampson
Social and Welfare Rep

Imi van Essen

Imi van Essen
Social and Welfare Rep

SSCP DTP Management Board

Chaired by SSCP DTP Director, Professor Ralf Toumi, the Management Board is made up of the Directors, Partner and Departmental representatives. 

Meeting three times a year, the Board oversees the overall delivery and quality of the programme, reporting to NERC and the College, large scale initiatives and interactions with external partners and selection of new students.   

SSCP DTP Board Members 

Any questions?

For any queries related to our SSCP DTP studentships, please contact our Doctoral Training Coordinator, Christiane Morgan (