Equality and Diversity on the SSCP DTP

Jane Goodall

A message from Dr. Jane Goodall about the importance of Women In STEM

This seminar series is student-led and gives Women in STEM a platform to celebrate their research and professional work and discuss some of the challenges they may have faced in their careers. This seminar series brings their stories to a wider audience of not just women, but men as well, and encourages participants to reflect on their experiences.

This seminar series includes a mix of speakers at different career stages and across academia and industry. 

Jenn Marsh, Cohort 9, Student EDI Committee member and Women in STEM organiser.

“Increasing exposure of Women and Non-binary people in STEM, and sharing their stories, is the goal of these seminars. I decided to help organize them so that I can influence positive change for women and non-binary people with a current career path in STEM, as well as for future students. The Science and Solutions for a Changing Planet DTP is aimed at improving the world around us – and that includes increasing opportunity for marginalized groups through these seminars.”

Past Women in STEM Seminars


Navigating a Career in a STEM field, Wednesday, 20 March (no recording available)

Dr. Valeria Caprettini - Nature Biomedical Engineering
Professor Ji-Seon Kim - Dept. of Physics
Professor Laura Mainini - Dept. of Aeronautics
Professor Francesca Toni - Dept. of Computing
Monica-Maria Baluna - Bloomberg

The event started with an introduction of each of the seminar speakers, who talked about how they first started their careers, what are their models and what consists of their jobs. Then speakers addressed the following question: 'Let's imagine you have a magic wand that can instantly solve one major challenge in your field. What issue would you address, and how do you think it would revolutionize your work? Each speaker had a detailed answer, sharing key moments of their career and explaining what they would have done differently if they knew the means at the time. ' The panel discussion closed with many questions for the audience, many questions were related to AI and how they see their fields to be changed by these new technologies and what challenges we will face as a society. 

We start the event by showing a special message from Dr Jane Goodall about her incredible work and experience as a woman in STEM. Following that, our panellists discuss their careers in conservation and the challenges they have faced.

Women In Conservation

We start the event by showing a special message from Dr Jane Goodall about her incredible work and experience as a woman in STEM. Following that, our panellists discuss their careers in conservation and the challenges they have faced.

Wednesday 8th March 2023

Dr Bonnie Waring (Chair)
Patricia Zurita
Professor Heather Koldewey
Dr Caroline How

Transforming how we produce food and shifting our eating patterns can help to reverse environmental degradation whilst enhancing the health of the population. Monday, 14 March 2022 Dr Tilly Collins Louise Mabulo Elysia Lucas

Women and Sustainable Food Systems

Transforming how we produce food and shifting our eating patterns can help to reverse environmental degradation whilst enhancing the health of the population.

Monday, 14 March 2022

Dr Tilly Collins
Louise Mabulo
Elysia Lucas

In this seminar, with four youth activists, we will explore different attitudes and approaches to engaging with the public over climate science

Public engagement with climate science

Four youth activists will explore different attitudes & approaches to engaging with the public over climate science

Wednesday, 8 December 2021

Chair: Kathleen Hamilton
Arunima Sen
Chikodi Uzoamaka
Harley McDonald-Eckersall

Any questions?

For any queries related to our SSCP DTP studentships, please contact our Doctoral Training Coordinator, Christiane Morgan (c.morgan@imperial.ac.uk)