CASE studentships provide doctoral students with a first-rate, challenging research training experience within the context of a mutually beneficial research collaboration between academic and non-academic partner organisations. 

Examples of non-academic organisations from business, public and the third/civil sectors partnering on SSCP projects include Naturemetrics, Geotechnical Observations, the Met Office, Thames 21, SSE. In DTP2, approximately 38% of our NERC-funded students have a CASE partner.

To find out more about CASE studentships contact Alex Gibbs. 


Naomi Policy

We partner with a wide variety of organisations to provide students with the experience of working outside of academia during their PhD.  Placements can last 3 – 6 months, and typically students will work on a focused output.

Further information can be found here on the SSCP DTP Internships pages.

Briefing Papers and Notes


Briefing Papers

The DTP is based at The Grantham Institute, which produces briefing papers that provide background and advice on key climate change and environment issues. Students have the opportunity to write papers that summarise current state of play, and suggest what needs to be done for adapting to and mitigating environmental change. 

Cohort 6 students, Krista Halttunen and Sofia Palazzo Corner, were co-authors of Paying for UK Net Zero: principles for a cost-effective and fair transitiona Grantham Briefing Note.  It explains why the UK government needs to take a joined-up approach to decarbonising the economy and considers the broad range of measures that must be taken by Her Majesty’s Treasury in order to enable the behaviour changes needed to transition to net zero. 

Any questions?

For any queries related to our SSCP DTP studentships, please contact our Doctoral Training Coordinator, Christiane Morgan (