Julia Osetrova (MSc Strategic Marketing 2013) is Account Manager at Hawkeye (Publicis Groupe). 

With a blended interest in both STEM and business, Julia is glad that she chose Imperial as the place to kickstart her career. Wanting to meet and inspire other women, Julia is now involved in Imperial Women’s Network, helping to advance female leadership in business.  

Why did you choose Imperial as the place to follow your interest in STEM and business?

At the time I applied, Imperial was a pioneer in the areas that interested me most – marketing, technology, and innovation. Imperial’s long-standing reputation in science also appealed a lot to me.

How did you find life at Imperial as a woman?

Imperial is a place of unparalleled diversity, so I always felt like I belonged. I was supported and heard.

What did you learn during your time at Imperial, in class or out?

I saw for myself how collaboration between people from various places and backgrounds can spark incredible creativity. By learning how to work closely together, my peers and I could turn brilliant ideas into successful projects. This skill and understanding has stayed with me.

Who did you find inspiring at Imperial and why?

All of our lecturers were very passionate about the subject they taught. We also had great guest speakers every month who would share their real-life experiences. Collectively, the teaching staff deepened my interest in marketing and inspired my future career steps.

What is your fondest memory of your time here?

I loved being surrounded by like-minded, ambitious, and interesting people from all over the world. I also enjoyed studying with my peers and of course, going out and enjoying London!

Tell us a bit about the work you’re doing now.

I am currently working at Hawkeye (Publicis Groupe), as Account Manager for a big tech client, coordinating their CRM campaigns internationally.

How has what you learnt at Imperial helped you in your career so far?

My degree from Imperial has provided a solid foundation to all aspects of my job, especially the data-driven decision-making side of things.

Moreover, my degree has helped me to gain a strategic vision for integrated marketing communications, which I apply in my work with clients.

What have been your career highlights?

Having worked in several marketing agencies I’ve been lucky to work with multiple companies that are leaders in their respective fields, such as L’Oréal, Sanofi, and Christie’s - taking their digital marketing campaigns to a new level has been great.

Perhaps one of the most memorable moments was seeing how people were interacting with the app that my team developed for WaterAid at Glastonbury Festival, as this work went towards a very good cause.

What would be your advice for current students or new graduates?

Try to expand your network by attending lots of events. Don’t be afraid to reach out for advice.

Why did you decide to volunteer as a Professional Interest Network committee member?

Imperial Women’s Network’s vision of advancing women’s leadership in business is very close to my heart. I also wanted to contribute to the development of the Imperial alumni network through my involvement in the network.

What do you think will be the most valuable benefit of being a member of a Professional Interest Network?

I’m looking forward to meeting people from a wide range of industries and sharing our views and experiences with each other. I believe meeting lots of people from many different industries is crucial for both professional and personal growth. 

What do you hope to achieve through your involvement with the committee?

I hope to improve the visibility of Imperial Women's Network, increase the number of active members, and organise events that will be valuable and inspirational for all participants.

How would you describe Imperial alumni?

Open-minded, ambitious, and smart. 

Do you have a favourite quote or saying?

I love the last lines of the poem “Invictus”, which tends to be quoted by many inspiring leaders:

“I am the master of my fate:

I am the captain of my soul.”

What else did Julia gain at Imperial?

"I saw for myself how collaboration between people from various places and backgrounds can spark incredible creativity. By learning how to work closely together, my peers and I could turn brilliant ideas into successful projects. This skill and understanding has stayed with me."