Vivian Tam (MBA 2017) is Senior Consultant, Governance and Strategy Treasury Board Secretariat for the Canadian Government. In this catch-up, she reflects fondly on the learning experiences and connections she gained at Imperial as a woman studying business.

Today, Vivian is a member of the Imperial Women’s Network committee, which aims to inspire and support Imperial women through professional development and lifelong learning.

Why did you choose Imperial as the place to follow your interest in business?

Imperial College Business School places emphasis on the fusion of business, technology, and an entrepreneurial mindset, which set it apart from other leading business schools at the time I was applying. 

How did you find life at Imperial as a woman?

Very positive. At Imperial College Business School, I found a strong network of support where inclusion and diversity are the backbone of the school’s culture. 

What good memories do you have of your time here?

Lots of good memories - living in London while studying at Imperial was an amazing opportunity to explore the city’s rich history as well as everything else it has to offer. 

Tell us a bit about the work you’re doing now.

I work for the Canadian government as Senior Consultant, Governance and Strategy Treasury Board Secretariat. I provide strategic advice to senior executives in relation to the establishment of enterprise-wide governance and strategic planning. 

How has what you learnt at Imperial helped you in your career so far?

At Imperial I learnt the importance of establishing a network comprised of great minds in order to nurture lifelong learning and innovative problem solving.

Getting to know peers and professors from many backgrounds also broadened my career interests while I was a student.  

What have been your career highlights?

At one point in my career I was on a steering committee establishing an enterprise-wide career mentorship strategy, with the aim of empowering individuals of minority groups throughout their careers. The mentorship program was launched in 2013 with great success. 

What would be your advice for current students or new graduates?

I'd say learn to listen and talk to people inside and outside of your class, and build lots of personal connections. Getting to know everybody around you will enrich both your life and career. 

Why did you decide to volunteer as a Professional Interest Network committee member?

I hope to make a positive contribution to the Business School by joining the Imperial Women’s Network committee, which shares my vision to embrace diversity in higher education and in business. 

Through my involvement with the committee, I am excited to meet and learn from other committee members, staff, and event participants. I also hope to help bridge the gap between different professional networks and promote the exchange of inspirational ideas.  

What makes you proud to be an Imperial alumna?

Imperial holds a Silver Athena Swan award, which strives to advance women’s careers in STEM. 

I have also found that Imperial alumni are unafraid to take on new challenges! 

How did Vivian find life as a woman at Imperial?

"At Imperial College Business School, I found a strong network of support where inclusion and diversity are the backbone of the school’s culture."