After completing his MBA at Imperial, Ranvir Puri (MBA 1994) forged an international career in financial services and the renewable energy sector. He is founding director of IPCo Power Co. and director of The Combine Company, an education services company founded by his father and fellow College alumnus, Mr Jag Mohan Puri (Mechanical Engineering 1958). We caught up with Ranvir at a recent alumni reception in New Delhi.

The Puri family shares a long-standing connection with Imperial: three generations and eight members of the family have studied at the College between 1929 and 2016. See a slideshow of images from their time at the College.

What is your fondest memory of your time at Imperial?

"Networking and making life-long friends from around the world. I also remember soaking in the sun on the Queen’s Lawn, on the rare occasions we had time for it, and the student union bar was definitely one of my favourite places! I was also a member of the Indian Society and the Finance & Business Society."

Tell us a bit about the work you’re doing now 

"After university I spent ten years working in financial services at JP Morgan, both in the US and Hong Kong. My work covered equity capital markets, private equity and mergers and acquisitions in the technology, industrial, real estate and consumer sectors.

Since then, I have been involved in new business ventures and venture capital in the US and India. I have founded companies in the clean energy space, including IPCo Power Co., to provide small wind and solar grid-connected systems to schools, offices, hospitals, government and commercial enterprises. I am currently director of The Combine Company, an education services company that provides assistance to students wanting to further their education at leading universities around the world."

How has what you learnt at Imperial helped you in your career so far?

"I did my MBA dissertation at Merrill Lynch – now Bank of America Merrill Lynch – which helped to launch my career in investment banking. I developed my leadership skills and learnt about organisational and personal psychology, which has helped me to better understand people and develop good working relationships. I also learnt a lot about innovation and entrepreneurship, and how important it is to constantly challenge the status quo.

Much of what I learnt outside the classroom came from my MBA peers from around the world.  Since graduating I have lived in Hong Kong, China, California and the US. I have stayed involved with alumni activities and formed many lasting relationships."

Has what you learnt at Imperial helped you in your career?

"I developed my leadership skills and learnt about organisational and personal psychology, which has helped me to better understand people and develop good working relationships. I also learnt a lot about innovation and entrepreneurship, and how important it is to constantly challenge the status quo."