Global Summer School Alumni
Testimonials for Global Summer School Alumni

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What do our alumni have to say?

Our Global Summer School has an ever-growing community of alumni who recommend the programme to young people interested in STEM.

Listen to what makes studying with Imperial an exceptional experience from students who have attended our Global Summer School. 

Online programme alumni testimonials

"I loved the fact that all the staff and students are extremely friendly, supportive and interactive, and made it an enjoyable two weeks!"

- Dongxiu, China, Medicine and Life Sciences

“I have a much greater understanding and appreciation of the different types of engineering and how they play a role in my chosen degree subject."

 - Anoushka, UK, Engineering

“I liked communicating with people around the world and learning challenging concepts about Physics."

- Pranay, Hong Kong, Physics

Residential programme alumni testimonials

Headshot of Mirko


“My favourite lesson was a lecture which was about neuroscience and the development of the brain. It was amazing.” 

- Mirko, Spain, Medicine and Life Sciences.

Headshot of Cagla


“I chose the Imperial Global Summer School because I knew it was one of the leading schools in engineering.” 

- Cagla, Turkey, Engineering.

Headshot of Alex


“I find the accommodation to be really nice, it’s definitely the nicest university dormitory I’ve ever seen and it’s really comfortable.” 

– Alex, Hong Kong, Medicine and Life Sciences.