Role: Recent Masters in Environmental Technologies graduate from the Centre for Environmental Policy, Natural Sciences, Imperial College London. Currently a PhD student at the Royal Veterinary College.

Subject area: Climate change and agriculture

Nationality: British


I am an environmental and animal welfare scientist exploring the future of animal health as we move towards a Net Zero society. Before starting my PhD, I had a mixed academic experience with an undergraduate degree in history followed by an environmental science Masters degree. My route to a PhD has been unconventional but I believe that being able to draw on both the natural and social sciences will offer interesting perspectives on issues that are traditionally dominated by the natural sciences.  


GCSE (or equivalent): Maths, Further Maths, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, History, ICT, English literature, English language, Religious Studies, French, Gujarati

A-level (or equivalent): Mathematics, Biology, History, English Literature

• BA (Hons) History, University College London
• MSc Environmental Technology, Imperial College London
• PhD UK Food Systems Centre for Doctoral Training (ongoing), Royal Veterinary College

Details about Urja

SiA My research icon

My research

My research looks at the relationship and trade-offs between climate change and animal health and welfare. I am looking for ways to encourage dietary change in the UK in order to reduce agricultural environmental impact and promote greater welfare outcomes for livestock. 

SiA my inspiration icon

My inspiration

During a summer internship I worked with Defra on a project to reduce meat consumption. Whilst there, I met many policymakers and academics passionate about creating a more positive future for UK food systems. I knew that this was something I also wanted to contribute towards with my own background and love for animals.   

SiA My STEM Hero icon

Who is your STEM hero?

My answer to this changes every few years, but currently it’s Dr James Davies, a psychotherapist, academic, and author. His book. Sedated: How Modern Capitalism Created Our Mental Health Crisis fundamentally changed my view on mental health and my own life.

Three tubes of penicillin powder, two of International Standard

Most significant discovery/invention?

The discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming – antibiotics are one of the foundations of modern health, animal health, and food systems as we know them today.

three chickens eating on brown ground

Career options after study

  • Academic researcher and/or lecturer
  • Consultant for environmental, public health and animal welfare issues
  • Researcher for private environmental or animal health organisations
  • Sustainable finance advisor
  • Policymaker or scientific advisor for governments and NGOs
Books piled up

My hobbies

I love to read and have to carry a book wherever I go; I often have several on the go. I also enjoy most racquet sports, but mainly badminton and tennis.

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