Anna Rydlova

RoleThird year PhD student, Department of Life Sciences, Imperial College London

Subject area: Scar-less tissue regeneration, focusing on lung diseases

Nationality: Czech

I am a third year PhD student in the Department of Life Sciences where I study tissue regeneration using zebrafish as a model organism. I come from the Czech Republic where I completed the International Baccalaureate program before coming to London to study here at Imperial. Whenever I have some time, I love to go play ultimate frisbee with my friends or explore London’s never-ending supply of fantastic restaurants!

Hear from Anna Rydlova, who is studying tissue regeneration, about why she wanted to work on these topics.

Interview with Anna

Hear from Anna Rydlova, who is studying tissue regeneration, about why she wanted to work on these topics.


EducationA-level (or equivalent): International Baccalaureate (IB) – Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Geography, English language, Czech language

• BSc Biomedical Sciences, Imperial College London
• MRes Bioengineering, Imperial College London
• PhD Immunology/tissue repair and regeneration (ongoing), Imperial College London

Detail about Axel


My research

I am investigating genes that are thought to be involved in scar-less tissue regeneration in zebrafish. I am interested in how these genes are regulated and how can we use this knowledge to help design treatments for patients who suffer from progressive scarring diseases, such as the Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (a serious lung condition).

My inspiration

My inspiration

My amazing high school Biology teachers, Professor Nessa Carey through her book The Epigenetics Revolution, and doing undergraduate projects in labs with focus on pulmonary diseases – all had an impact on where I am today.

My STEM hero

Who is your STEM hero?

Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier – both won the Nobel prize in Chemistry last year as the pioneers of the CRISPR-Cas9 technology for gene editing, used in almost every biological lab around the world nowadays.

A strand of RNA

Most significant discovery/invention?

Related to my field? Single-cell RNA sequencing technology.

In general? The internet!

A student in a lab

Career options after study

  • Post-doctoral researcher (staying in academia)
  • Research scientist (in industry)
  • Teaching
  • Consulting
Students playing Ultimate Frisbee

My hobbies

  • Ultimate frisbee
  • Hiking
  • Snowboarding
  • Catching up with friend in the park and reading a good book (or watching Netflix!)
Anna talks about tissue regeneration, the process of scarring, and how scarring in your lungs is bad news.

Anna talks about her research

Anna talks about tissue regeneration, the process of scarring, and how scarring in your lungs is bad news.

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