In this module, you can learn more about some of our staff and students working on topics linked to the human body. Their profile pages contain lots of information about them including their research, inspiration, and their STEM heroes, as well as short interviews. Even more staff and students can be found within the main profile pages, demonstrating lots of different pathways and careers within this topic.
Do watch the researcher talks and try the activities – it's all designed to bring these topics to life!
Talks by our researchers

Michael's Talk
Michael talks about his research into the links between various diseases like cancer and metabolism.
Michael talks about his research into the links between various diseases like cancer and metabolism.

Farwa's Talk
Farwa talks about her research into modelling biomedical signals recorded from human brain and muscl
Farwa talks about her research into modelling biomedical signals recorded from human brain and muscles.

Nora's talk
Nora talks about her research into genetic diseases and gene therapy.
Imperial PhD student Nora Clarke discusses her research into genetic diseases and gene therapy.

Anna's talk
Anna talks about her research into the role of scar tissue in regeneration.
Anna talks about her research into the role of scar tissue in regeneration.

Axel's talk
Axel talks about his research into in the muscular skeletal system.
Axel talks about his research into in the muscular skeletal system and the biomaterials that can be used to repair it.
More staff and student profiles
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