Social Transformation Lab

Using the skills of researchers, analysts, practitioners and philanthropists, the Social Transformation Lab aims to accelerate positive change by designing transformational solutions to societal challenges such as poverty, hunger and equality.  

Tech for Society  

Tech for Society, one of the Lab’s initiatives, harnesses Imperial’s research capabilities to engage with the grand challenges facing society. We have three goals:

  •     To involve next-generation data scientists with the skills and passion to solve societal challenges;
  •     To train governments and non-profit organisations in using data to improve decision-making; and
  •     To develop a community of people and organisations focused on creating positive societal impact and sharing ideas across platforms through research papers and case studies.

Fundraising Analytics

Recent years have seen the rapid adoption of analytics across industries, but many non-profit organisations have fallen behind. This has negatively impacted key operations such as donor targeting and donation campaigning. As a result, the amount raised in donations and long-term donor satisfaction have suffered.  

Fundraising Analytics uses data analytics and AI capabilities to solve fundraising challenges faced by modern non-profit and charitable organisations. As part of Fundraising Analytics, we have developed blueprints of fundraising optimisation tools, which enable efficient adoption and quick results.  

Our tools are also sufficiently flexible to capture the individual needs of the organisation. This is down to the research we dedicate to better understanding partner organisations, as well as the work we put into designing and testing solutions tailored to their needs.