Morgan Mixon


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Morgan Mixon (MBA 2021) is Co-Founder of Cleannest, a babycare e-commerce platform dedicated to bringing modern families more peace of mind with category-defining, premium nappies and hassle-free service. Before pursuing an MBA at Imperial, she was Chief Operating Officer of accelerateHER (now EQL:HER), a global network and event series focused on re-balancing gender in the technology sector, and a corporate communications consultant representing governments as well as energy and infrastructure companies.

What does break the bias mean to you?

To me break the bias means taking action to combat inequity. Action can manifest in many forms and it’s about identifying the tangible ways you can contribute. Breaking the bias requires challenging the status quo, and often that process is uncomfortable - as all meaningful change is. Leaning into those difficult moments can be less daunting, especially at first, if you’re drawing from your personal strengths. Most importantly, continuously check yourself. Ask yourself, friends, family, or colleagues how you can make a bigger impact. Never settle.

How have you faced bias in the workplace?

Of course, but I have been fortunate to work throughout my career with incredible role models - including Jules Chappell, Laura Stebbing, and Poppy Gaye to name a few. These leaders worked hard to create inclusive work environments founded on empathy and trust so that I could thrive and so that my career path was not limited. I’m grateful for their support and recognise the importance of playing my part to lift up the next generation of women and other under-represented groups. Vouching for the quality of her/their work, opening my network, providing honest feedback on ideas, or recommending people for the media opportunities I see are a few things I've been trying out. Drafting that email for 5 minutes may open a huge door for someone. Give it a go.

How has Imperial equipped you with tools to deal with gender bias?

Crucially Imperial has elevated diversity and inclusion to a core aspect of its curriculum and student experience. The biggest game-changer for me has been Imperial’s financial support of me and my business. I was awarded a Forté Foundation scholarship which made my MBA experience possible and, unbeknownst to me at the time, set me on the path to founding Cleannest with fellow Imperial graduate, Rima Suppan. That financial support in combination with programmes like the Enterprise Lab’s WeAccelerate have made it possible to confront one of the biggest challenges women face - systemic financial inequality. My hope is that many more women also pursue and benefit from Imperial's impressive pool of financial resources.


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