Event details
The 4th Industrial Revolution is premised upon the fundamental redesign of the role of business in society. To realise this aspiration, stakeholder logics of business must take root. Industry, investors and institutions (including policy and academia) need to undertake a profound innovation, experimentation and transformational journey.
Join the Leonardo Centre on Business for Society for an interactive panel session at Davos, taking place at the same time as the World Economic Forum, to discuss concrete suggestions on how the actors in society can collaborate in realising this historical (r)evolution.
Panel: The 4th Industrial Revolution and the Sustainable Development Goals: Radical Collaborations for Systemic Change
- Rafael Tello, Chief Sustainability Officer for Ambipar Group
- Sandrine Dixson-Declève, Co-President of the Club of Rome
- Ute Klamert, Assistant Executive Director for Partnerships & Advocacy for the World Food Programme.
Moderator: Professor Maurizio Zollo, Scientific Director of the Leonardo Centre on Business for Society.
This breakfast session is co-hosted by Filecoin Foundation, CoinDesk and GlobalBrain, in the Decentralized Web Gateway (The Sanctuary) Sclettrastrasse, Davos.
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