The Teaching Excellence Awards are held each year to honour the exceptional work of Business School faculty and professional staff
The Teaching Excellence Awards are voted for by students and recognise the outstanding contributions made by faculty, teaching assistants and professional staff.
Read on to find out more about this year's winners.

Students’ Excellence Award for Professional Staff: Bridget Simpson
"Bridget has been an incredible support to our cohort throughout the year. She was always available to us, open to listening to our queries, responded quickly and provided diplomatic solutions with our interest at heart. She is a caring, sensitive person, happy to help any of us... she is loved by our cohort."

Undergraduate Teaching: Dr Sven Mikolon
"Dr Sven Mikolon made our Marketing module a true joy. His teaching style was excellent, he was enthusiastic and did his best to support each student. It is so obvious that he has a passion for marketing and economics and he has instilled that in us also. He is an example of the best type of teacher: one who wants everyone to succeed and help each other."
Professor Ramana Nanda received two awards:
PhD Supervision
"Professor Ramana Nanda has been a lighthouse throughout my PhD journey. His insights into the most fundamental questions in finance and economics are truly exceptional and inspiring."
Inclusive Teaching
"Professor Ramana Nanda puts inclusive teaching into practice in all kinds of ways: he fully respects students from different backgrounds, he connects and engages with a variety of students well, and he sets strategies for engaging particular groups of students and supports their individual needs."
Student Support as Teaching Assistant: Joe Tan
"Joe Tan always attends classes on time and well-prepared with materials. He is also good at answering questions and I attended all of his classes."

Online Teaching: Dr Esma Koca
"Dr Esma Koca went above and beyond in all the modules in my MSc Business Analytics Online programme where she was either the module leader or part of the teaching team. She always strives hard to help the remote and online students understand the syllabus. I wish Dr Koca was involved in every module that I take, so that I could always enjoy her support."

MSc and MRes Core Module Teaching: Cloda Jenkins
"Cloda Jenkins went out of her way to adapt to students needs during the two courses she ran. Her understanding and knowledge of Economics is incredible, and the insights she gave during her courses are incredibly useful and in line with our learning objectives for the MSc."

MBA Core Module Teaching: Dr Ileana Stigliani
"The way Dr Ileana Stigliani carried out our module was really stimulating and unconventional. The class was full of discussion between students, and she forced us to think outside the box and understand the deep concept of design thinking and how human emotions are at the centre of it."

Innovation in Teaching: Dr Christian Hampel
"The blend Dr Christian Hampel struck, the feedback he took, the way he adjusted how we would do things, combined to make the course completely refreshing and innovative. He sought diverse opinions, gave us all a platform to speak and debate, encouraged and challenged us. He brought guest speakers in each day and even featured a panel discussion."

Assessment Feedback: Professor Richard Green
"Professor Richard Green very much engaged with all of the students in our Global Online MBA cohort for our first module on Economics, volunteering his time both in lessons and outside the classroom through feedback and responding to requests for help. More personally, he provided particular clarity on my assignments. I also found him basically kind and patient in his approach which was notable and appreciated."