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Elisabeth Zlatkin, MSc Management Student 2023-24

My Global Immersion and Global Exchange journey at Imperial

Elisabeth Zlatkin, a MSc Management (now re-purposed as Master’s in Management (MiM)) student from Germany shares her experience undertaking both a Global Immersion and Global Exchange during her time at Imperial College Business School.

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Recruitment team at open day event

The MBA application events roadmap with Imperial College Business School

In this blog, we outline an events roadmap, covering the numerous touchpoints on your journey to completing an application for an MBA programme at Imperial College Business School.

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Economics Workshops

Discover Economics Workshops: a mission to increase the diversity of economics students

Discover Economics is aimed at students from state schools and the workshops are designed to inspire young people to consider economics as one of their post-16 or post-18 options, whether that is at university or through an apprenticeship.

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