
Maya Hoang

MSc Business Analytics (online, part-time)
Job after graduation
Software Engineer, Accenture
Year of graduation
Maya Hoang 2021-22 MSc Business Analytics (Online)
Maya Hoang, MSc Business Analytics (part-time, online)
“I am learning exactly what I wanted to learn, which is a great feeling compared to when I was studying my A-levels a few years ago and felt uncertain about what to study at university. The modules I have taken so far really provide a solid foundation for data analytics and help me fill the knowledge gap I have.”

About you

What work experience/internships did you have before beginning with Imperial College Business School?

I worked at PwC UK for three years across different departments such as tax, tax technology and HR technology and transformation. I found my passion for technology and then moved to Accenture to start my career as a software engineer.

Why did you decide to study MSc Business Analytics (part-time delivery, online) at Imperial College Business School?

I actually wanted to join the MSc Business Analytics (online, part-time) programme when I was in the final year of my bachelor’s degree because I found the curriculum very interesting and practical. I then decided to start working full-time instead as I wanted to gain some work experience before pursuing further studies.

After working with different clients over the years, I noticed that many of them are looking to generate more value and business insights from their data. My curiosity led me to take some courses in data analytics and join a data analytics project at work, after which I decided to apply to study the online format of MSc Business Analytics at Imperial College Business School to upskill further in this area. My main motivation is still because of the comprehensive and practical modules that the programme offers. I chose the part-time, online delivery method because it will enable me to continue my career development and apply what I learn to projects at work.


What aspects of the programme do you enjoy the most?

It’s the flexibility of the programme’s online delivery for sure. All of our modules’ study materials are available on The Hub platform and we can study in our own time during the week. We can watch lecture recordings, do weekly assessed quizzes, download lecture slides and submit our assignment coursework via the platform. Live classes are delivered at two different times on the same day to accommodate students from different time zones and are always recorded. Office hours of our lecturers and teaching assistants are available every week for us to ask questions.

Which has been your favourite module so far and why?

My favourite module so far is Data Structure and Algorithms as it broadens my knowledge of technical concepts such as computational complexity and basic algorithms for sorting, searching and shortest paths. I also have the chance to practice coding in Python and develop my understanding of Python data analytics libraries.

What has been the most rewarding part of the programme?

I am learning exactly what I wanted to learn, which is a great feeling compared to when I was studying my A-levels a few years ago and felt uncertain about what to study at university. The modules I have taken so far really provide a solid foundation for data analytics and help me fill the knowledge gap I have.

What has been the most challenging part of the programme? 

It would be juggling work commitments, coursework deadlines and extra-curricular activities for me. I found it overwhelming in my first month as there were so many things going on. I decided to take a week off from work to adjust myself to the programme and create a new schedule, study plan and events plan, which really helped.


How would you describe your cohort at Imperial?

My classmates come from diverse backgrounds and we are based all around the world. We stay connected via our WhatsApp group chat and it’s amazing that everyone always tries their best to help when someone asks questions to the group. They are all very talented and share their experience whenever they can to support others. I am based in London and there are a few members who are also here, so I created a group chat for us to organise meet-up events. It’s fantastic to meet some of my classmates in person and I am looking forward to meeting the rest of the cohort soon!


What has been the greatest opportunity you have had at Imperial?

As president of the Social Impact and Responsible Business Career Club, I have had the opportunity to work closely with the school’s Careers team and our club mentor. Together we’ve organised career events alongside my team members who share the same vision and passion for making an impact on society and connected with many other students from different programmes. It is very rewarding and really makes my university experience memorable.

Studying online

What have been the benefits and challenges of studying part-time and online?

The pace of the part-time programme is slower and less intensive compared to the full-time programme, giving me more time to digest new information. It is also flexible as I can study when I am available and wherever I am. In addition, I have the opportunity to connect and study with classmates from all over the world, which makes the experience even more special.

"In addition, I have the opportunity to connect and study with classmates from all over the world, which makes the experience even more special."

How do you find using the programme’s purpose-built learning platform, The Hub?

The Hub is a centralised platform where we find all the academic and career-related modules and communications from the programme team, Careers team and Student Life team. I have found it easy to use and very straightforward. It also enables email notifications so we are able to get the latest information as soon as it is posted on The Hub. We can also add comments and react to the posts.


Looking back to when you were applying for the programme, did you attend any online webinars or on-campus information sessions?

When I was applying for the programme, I mainly used the information from the School’s website and connected with alumni to ask them about their experience. I visited the school’s campus before when I was studying my A-levels, and really recommend you attend the on-campus information sessions to visit the campus if you have not been before.

What advice would you give someone who is thinking about applying for the programme?

Before applying, make sure it is the right programme for you by looking at the curriculum, connecting with alumni and attending information sessions. This will also help you with your application and prepare you mentally to dedicate your time to the programme for the next two years. When you are ready, embrace and enjoy both the benefits and challenges of the programme. It is very rewarding getting the best out of both work and study at the same time!

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