2022 reading lists

Publish your reading list

Please publish your list at least 6 weeks before teaching starts on your module, any later and some items may not be available to students at the start of teaching

Need help?

Contact your Subject Librarian if you need help or advice on creating or updating your reading list

Leganto Reading Lists is an interactive, student facing reading list system that allows academics and administrators to build lists for students and manage, edit and update them in one place.

Leganto enables Library Services to quickly and easily check lists to ensure items are available for students.

Students can access reading lists via the Find lists button above, or VLEs such as Blackboard or the Business School Hub. Leganto allows students to view all the readings for their courses in one place, create their own collections of useful material and comment and collaborate with other students.

Reading lists for the Business School and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering are currently only available to members of Imperial. 

Reading lists which include copyright restricted citations cannot be viewed via Find lists and must be accessed via departmental VLEs.

If you need help with Leganto please see our Leganto Reading Lists guide or ASK the Library including the name of your course.