Abdus Salam Library study rooms

Students may book study rooms via Library bookings. Sign in with your Imperial username and password. Imperial staff cannot book library study rooms.

You may book two sessions in any seven days (maximum booking of two hours allowed per day). Bookings cannot be made more than six days in advance. Please arrive on time -  after 15 minutes Library Services may reassign the time slot to another user.

Non-members of Imperial will not be permitted to enter the library to join a group of students who have booked a room without prior permission from Library Services.

To find out more about the facilities in each room see Abdus Salam Library.

Abdus Salam Library training rooms

Training rooms 1 and 2

Training rooms 1 and 2 can only be booked by library staff and priority is given to library training events. Bookings by other departments are at the discretion of the Head of User Services. To make a request ASK the Library.

Students may use these rooms for quiet study when not in use for training.

Training room 3 (formerly ICT training room 204)

All Imperial staff may book training room 3 via Library bookings.

The room has 24 seats with PCs, a teaching PC and a projector.

Students may use this room for quiet study when not in use for training.

Abdus Salam Library room ICCL-04-408 (level 4 meeting room)

Staff from Imperial departments taking part in the shared rooms scheme can book room ICCL-04-408 (the level 4 meeting room) via Outlook. See Meeting room bookings for details.

The room seats 16 boardroom layout and 30 classroom layout.

If you are inviting external attendees, email libsec@imperial.ac.uk and Wunmi Agunbiade m.agunbiade@imperial.ac.uk with the name of the meeting, date and time, location, list of attendees and your contact details. Your attendees will not be permitted access to the library unless you provide this information or meet them personally at the library entrance. Members of Imperial will need to use their swipe cards to enter the library on level 1 and again to enter the room on level 4.

Catering should be delivered directly to the meeting room and not served in the adjoining library staff area.

Campus library study rooms and training rooms

Our campus libraries have study rooms and training rooms. For booking information see: