iPad loan agreement
iPad loan agreement
- I will return the iPad, charger, connecting cable and protective case to the library from which it was borrowed by the return date.
- I understand that the return time may be reduced for Library and College closure periods.
- I am solely responsible for the iPad while it is in my care and will not lend it to anyone else.
- If I fail to return the iPad or any part, or any part is damaged whilst in my possession, I will be charged for the repair, or a replacement, and the details of my debt may be passed on to College Finance.
Replacement costs:
Non-return or damage of iPad: £370.00 plus a £30.00 administration charge
Non-return or damage of cable: £15.00 plus a £30.00 administration charge
Non-return or damage of plug: £20.00 plus a £30.00 administration charge
Non-return or damage of case: £20.00 plus a £30.00 administration charge
- If I return an iPad after an invoice has been issued I will be required to pay the £30.00 administration charge.
- I will report any damage or faults to a member of library staff.
- I will comply with College Information Systems Security policies
- I accept that costs for any content I purchase for the iPad (music, books, apps, etc.) cannot be returned or refunded by Imperial College London and that this content will be erased from the iPad upon return, and that Imperial College London is not responsible for backing up this data.
- The personal information I provide will be used to deliver Library Services and monitor library use in accordance with the Library Services Privacy Notice