Education data and collections online

Department of Education Publications
Information on the Government's education publications including the full-text. Includes a section devoted to higher education and universities.

DERA (Digital Education Resource Archive)
The Institute of Education's UK Digital Education Repository Archive containing all electronically published documents by government and related bodies.

Created by the Higher Education Academy, EvidenceNet aims to promote evidence-informed practice in learning and teaching in Higher Education. Includes summaries of research with links to the full-text, covering a wide range of key themes in Higher Education.

HEER (Higher Education Empirical Research Database)
Developed by the Centre for Higher Education Research and Information (CHERI) at the Open University, HEER provides summaries of evidence-based research on a range of higher education topics.

IOE Eprints
The Institute of Education's open access digital repository of research findings.

A Jisc funded online repository service for teaching and support staff in UK further and higher education institutions. Includes both teaching and learning resources in various formats contributed by users of the service.

Contains over 30,000 scholarly publications from more than 190 leading publishers.