As part of the feasibility assessment, the study team will look at a number of issues to maximise the trial’s chances of successful completion:

  • Are there sufficient staff to conduct the study, and are their qualifications and experience suitable?
  • Is a suitable patient population available, considering the anticipated rate of recruitment?
  • Are there any conflicting studies, which might compete for the patient population and potentially introduce recruitment bias?
  • Is there adequate time to conduct and oversee the trial?
  • Have ‘reserve’ investigator sites been considered and/or prepared (in case recruitment issues arise)?


TypeWhere to find
Key contacts PharmacyImagingPathologyICTUResearch facilities
Useful links NIHR Clinical Trials Toolkit - feasibility
NIHR benchmark Prior to NIHR 70-day benchmark
Process map links This activity occurs in the feasibility stage:
Imperial College London as sponsor
Imperial College Hospital NHS Trust as sponsor
Commercial organisation as sponsor
Non-commercial organisation as sponsor