If your research is multi-site, once you have received the validation letter, you can instruct the PIs at each site to apply for SSI. Each PI should complete Part C of the completed application and submit it to their local R&D Office, along with a copy of his/her CV and applicable study documents.

Each R&D Office will inform the CI/PI whether or not there is any objection to your research on site-specific grounds (within 30 days for NIHR Portfolio adopted studies).

Where a non-NHS site is being utilised, a local ethics committee may be required to review the application in lieu of an R&D Office.  Further information can be found on the IRAS website.

Click here for the IRAS SSI checklist. 


TypeWhere to find
Key contacts Clinical DivisionsJRCO
Useful links IRAS homepage
NIHR Clinical Trials Toolkit - IRAS
NIHR benchmark Prior to NIHR 70-day benchmark
Process map links This activity occurs in the work-up stage:
Imperial College London as sponsor
Imperial College Hospital NHS Trust as sponsor
Commercial organisation as sponsor
Non-commercial organisation as sponsor