CRSP is the Center for Research in Security Prices, including security price, return and volume data for the NYSE, AMEX and Nasdaq stock markets. It contains CRSP daily and monthly stocks, CRSP 1925 US indices and CRSP/COMPUSTAT merged. All of these datasets are quarterly updated.

Our subscription also covers access to the CRSP 10 Year U.S. Stock Database with annual delivery.

Username and password access
First time users will be asked to register to receive a username and password. Request a username and password for further features available for advanced research. Currently available for undergraduates, master’s and PhD students, faculty staff and research assistants.  

IP address (Day Pass) access
Available from PC clusters in Central Library and the Business School. Enter your Imperial email address to be provided with a Day Pass. Access for other locations on the South Kensington campus and off-campus is via username and password.