Access statistical information and data

A statistics resource which also includes market and industry reports which can be exported in a number of formats including infographics.

IEA Datasets
Datasets include:

  • CO2 emissions from fuel consumption
  • Energy prices and taxes
  • Energy technology research and development
  • Renewables information
  • World energy statistics and balances

Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) (SharePoint space requiring College username and password)
The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) climate change corporate response dataset contains comprehensive quantitative and qualitative data from companies publicly disclosing their environmental information to CDP. It includes over 100 questions covering topics such as climate risks, low-carbon opportunities, emissions management, and governance and strategy around climate change. The dataset also includes sector-specific modules, full alignment with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and improved alignment with other reporting frameworks, and an emphasis on forward-looking metrics. Further information on the CDP data.

Yearbook of tourism statistics, data 2015-2019, 2021 edition.

Deriving from the most comprehensive statistical database available on the tourism sector, the Yearbook of Tourism Statistics focusses on data related to inbound, broken down by country of origin. The 2021 edition of the Yearbook presents data for 195 countries from 2015 to 2019.

Click on the Download this book link under the Keywords to access the Yearbook.

Office for National Statistics
National statistical institute for the UK. Collects statistics related to the economy, population and society at national, regional and local levels.

UK Data Service
Provides access to a range of high-quality social research data, including UK censuses and government-funded surveys.

Statistical service of the European Commission.