Sustainable Energy Futures search tools

Articles and papers

Web of Science
Multidisciplinary database covering peer-reviewed journals. Available 1970 – present. Includes citation links.

Multidisciplinary database Available 1823 – present, although majority of content is from 1996 – present. Includes citation links.

Engineering Village
Gives access to:

  • Compendex
    Most comprehensive database of engineering research including mechanical, automotive, materials, aerospace, bioengineering and nuclear technology. Available 1884 – present.
  • Inspec
    Leading database in electrical engineering, electronics, physics, control engineering, computing and manufacturing & production engineering. Also provides significant coverage in nuclear engineering, biomedical engineering and materials science. Available 1896 – present.

EBSCOhost Business Source Ultimate
Extensive coverage business, economic and trade journals, market research reports, case studies, industry reports, Economist Intelligence Unit country reports, and international company information from Datamonitor.

IEEE Xplore
Full-text of all IEE/IEEE publications including journals, magazines, conference proceedings, standards and books. Available 1986 – present.

Focuses on the relationship between human beings and the environment.

Business Green (Energy)News and in-depth analysis of green business and environmental issues including industry-leading analysis, interviews with green business leaders and politicians, policy and technology briefings and white papers.

Full-text access to over 10,000 news and business publications worldwide. Updated daily.

Other search tools

Market and industry information

Other business and economics search tools

Digimap delivers maps and map data primarily of Great Britain. Contains Ordnance Survey, Historic, Geology, Marine and Environment maps and data as well as Aerial imagery and data of Great Britain. Also contains census and socio-economic information. Limited global maps and data are also included.

British Standards Online 
Includes full-text access to British, European, ISO and IEC standards. FileOpen plugin is required to download standards. Please see the further instructions here. FileOpen is already installed on all College computers.

INIS (IAEA: International Nuclear Information System)  
Information system on the peaceful use of nuclear science and technology. Provides a bibliographic database with abstracts and a collection of full-text documents

Provides access to technical papers in the oil and gas exploration and production (E&P) industry.

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
Abstracts and some full text of theses and dissertations from around the world.

Statistics and data

IEA Datasets
Datasets include:

  • CO2 emissions from fuel consumption
  • Energy prices and taxes
  • Energy technology research and development
  • Renewables information
  • World energy statistics and balances

A statistics resource which also includes market and industry reports which can be exported in a number of formats including infographics.

Office for National Statistics
National statistical institute for the UK. Collects statistics related to the economy, population and society at national, regional and local levels.

UK Data Service
Provides access to a range of high-quality social research data, including UK censuses and government-funded surveys.

Statistical service of the European Commission.