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  • Journal article
    Mac Dowell N, Shah N, 2013,

    Identification of the cost-optimal degree of CO₂ capture: An optimisation study using dynamic process models

  • Journal article
    Siegert M, Bradwell T, 2013,

    Antarctic Earth Sciences: Preface

  • Journal article
    Foulger GR, Panza GF, Artemieva IM, Bastow ID, Cammarano F, Evans JR, Hamilton WB, Julian BR, Lustrino M, Thybo H, Yanovskaya TBet al., 2013,

    Caveats on tomographic images

    , Terra Nova
  • Journal article
    Savva A, Petraki F, Elefteriou P, Sygellou L, Voigt M, Giannouli M, Kennou S, Nelson J, Bradley DDC, Brabec CJ, Choulis SAet al., 2013,

    The Effect of Organic and Metal Oxide Interfacial layers on the Performance of Inverted Organic Photovoltaics

    , ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS, Vol: 3, Pages: 391-398, ISSN: 1614-6832
  • Journal article
    Irvine EA, Hoskins BJ, Shine KP, Lunnon RW, Froemming Cet al., 2013,

    Characterizing North Atlantic weather patterns for climate-optimal aircraft routing

    , METEOROLOGICAL APPLICATIONS, Vol: 20, Pages: 80-93, ISSN: 1350-4827
  • Journal article
    Connolly J, Bell T, Bolger T, Brophy C, Carnus T, Finn JA, Kirwan L, Isbell F, Levine J, Luescher A, Picasso V, Roscher C, Teresa Sebastia M, Suter M, Weigelt Aet al., 2013,

    An improved model to predict the effects of changing biodiversity levels on ecosystem function

    , JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, Vol: 101, Pages: 344-355, ISSN: 0022-0477
  • Conference paper
    Fogell NA, Sherwin S, Cotter CJ, Iannucci L, Palacios-Nieto R, Pope DJet al., 2013,

    Fluid-structure iInteraction simulation of theinflated shape of ram-air parachutes

    , 22nd AIAA Aerodynamic Decelerator Systems Technology Conference, Daytona Beach, Florida [Best Student Paper Award]
  • Journal article
    Ledger ME, Brown LE, Edwards FK, Milner AM, Woodward Get al., 2013,

    Drought alters the structure and functioning of complex food webs

    , Nature Climate Change, Vol: 3, Pages: 223-227, ISSN: 1758-678X
  • Journal article
    Damerell P, Howe C, Milner-Gulland EJ, 2013,

    Child-orientated environmental education influences adult knowledge and household behaviour

    , Environmental Research Letters, Vol: 8, Pages: 1-7, ISSN: 1748-9326

    Environmental education is frequently undertaken as a conservation intervention designed to change the attitudes and behaviour of recipients. Much conservation education is aimed at children, with the rationale that children influence the attitudes of their parents, who will consequently change their behaviour. Empirical evidence to substantiate this suggestion is very limited, however. For the first time, we use a controlled trial to assess the influence of wetland-related environmental education on the knowledge of children and their parents and household behaviour. We demonstrate adults exhibiting greater knowledge of wetlands and improved reported household water management behaviour when their child has received wetland-based education at Seychelles wildlife clubs. We distinguish between 'folk' knowledge of wetland environments and knowledge obtained from formal education, with intergenerational transmission of each depending on different factors. Our study provides the first strong support for the suggestion that environmental education can be transferred between generations and indirectly induce targeted behavioural changes.

  • Journal article
    Jordan TA, Ferraccioli F, Ross N, Corr HFJ, Leat PT, Bingham RG, Rippin DM, le Brocq A, Siegert MJet al., 2013,

    Inland extent of the Weddell Sea Rift imaged by new aerogeophysical data

    , TECTONOPHYSICS, Vol: 585, Pages: 137-160, ISSN: 0040-1951
  • Journal article
    Chun KP, Wheater HS, Onof C, 2013,

    Comparison of drought projections using two UK weather generators

  • Journal article
    Guo F, Krishnan R, Polak J, 2013,

    A computationally efficient two-stage method for short-term traffic prediction on urban roads

    , TRANSPORTATION PLANNING AND TECHNOLOGY, Vol: 36, Pages: 62-75, ISSN: 0308-1060
  • Journal article
    Layer K, Hildrew AG, Woodward G, 2013,

    Grazing and detritivory in 20 stream food webs across a broad pH gradient.

    , Oecologia, Vol: 171, Pages: 459-471

    Acidity is a major driving variable in the ecology of fresh waters, and we sought to quantify macroecological patterns in stream food webs across a wide pH gradient. We postulated that a few generalist herbivore-detritivores would dominate the invertebrate assemblage at low pH, with more specialists grazers at high pH. We also expected a switch towards algae in the diet of all primary consumers as the pH increased. For 20 stream food webs across the British Isles, spanning pH 5.0-8.4 (the acid sites being at least partially culturally acidified), we characterised basal resources and primary consumers, using both gut contents analysis and stable isotopes to study resource use by the latter. We found considerable species turnover across the pH gradient, with generalist herbivore-detritivores dominating the primary consumer assemblage at low pH and maintaining grazing. These were joined or replaced at higher pH by a suite of specialist grazers, while many taxa that persisted across the pH gradient broadened the range of algae consumed as acidity declined and increased their ingestion of biofilm, whose nutritional quality was higher than that of coarse detritus. There was thus an increased overall reliance on algae at higher pH, both by generalist herbivore-detritivores and due to the presence of specialist grazers, although detritus was important even in non-acidic streams. Both the ability of acid-tolerant, herbivore-detritivores to exploit both autochthonous and allochthonous food and the low nutritional value of basal resources might render chemically recovering systems resistant to invasion by the specialist grazers and help explain the sluggish ecological recovery of fresh waters whose water chemistry has ameliorated.

  • Journal article
    Gallego-Sala AV, Prentice IC, 2013,

    Blanket peat biome endangered by climate change

    , NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE, Vol: 3, Pages: 152-155, ISSN: 1758-678X
  • Journal article
    Milner-Gulland EJ, Barlow J, Cadotte M, Hulme P, Whittingham MJet al., 2013,

    Celebrating the golden jubilee of the Journal of Applied Ecology

    , JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY, Vol: 50, Pages: 1-3, ISSN: 0021-8901
  • Journal article
    Tang R, Clark JM, Bond T, Graham N, Hughes D, Freeman C, Tang R, Clark JM, Bond T, Graham N, Hughes D, Freeman Cet al., 2013,

    Assessment of potential climate change impacts on peatland dissolved organic carbon release and drinking water treatment from laboratory experiments.

    , Environmental Pollution, Vol: 173, Pages: 270-277, ISSN: 0269-7491

    Catchments draining peat soils provide the majority of drinking water in the UK. Over the past decades, concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) have increased in surface waters. Residual DOC can cause harmful carcinogenic disinfection by-products to form during water treatment processes. Increased frequency and severity of droughts combined with and increased temperatures expected as the climate changes, have potentials to change water quality. We used a novel approach to investigate links between climate change, DOC release and subsequent effects on drinking water treatment. We designed a climate manipulation experiment to simulate projected climate changes and monitored releases from peat soil and litter, then simulated coagulation used in water treatment. We showed that the 'drought' simulation was the dominant factor altering DOC release and affected the ability to remove DOC. Our results imply that future short-term drought events could have a greater impact than increased temperature on DOC treatability.

  • Journal article
    Al-Jeboori MJ, Nguyen M, Dean C, Fennell PSet al., 2013,

    Improvement of Limestone-Based CO<sub>2</sub> Sorbents for Ca Looping by HBr and Other Mineral Acids

    , INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, Vol: 52, Pages: 1426-1433, ISSN: 0888-5885
  • Journal article
    Staffell I, Green R, 2013,

    The cost of domestic fuel cell micro-CHP systems

    , International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol: 38, Pages: 1088-1102, ISSN: 0360-3199
  • Journal article
    Wearn OR, Reuman DC, Ewers RM, 2013,

    Response to Comment on "Extinction Debt and Windows of Conservation Opportunity in the Brazilian Amazon"

    , SCIENCE, Vol: 339, ISSN: 0036-8075
  • Journal article
    Jagadevan S, Graham NJ, Thompson IP, 2013,

    Treatment of waste metalworking fluid by a hybrid ozone-biological process

    , JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, Vol: 244, Pages: 394-402, ISSN: 0304-3894
  • Journal article
    Reeve M, Bell RE, Jackson CA-L, 2013,

    Origin and significance of intra-basement seismic reflections offshore western Norway

    , Journal of the Geological Society, Vol: 171, Pages: 1-4

    We use 3D seismic data to image a series of enigmatic, SW-dipping reflection packets within pre-Mesozoic crystalline basement offshore western Norway. Based on their low-angle dip and complex reflection wave-train our preferred interpretation is that the reflection packets are the seismic expression of mylonitic zones generated by nappe emplacement during the Caledonian Orogeny. Late Jurassic faults truncate and offset these reflection packets by several hundred metres, suggesting that these faults did not exploit pre-existing basement weaknesses. Our observations suggest that older basement fabrics may not always play a significant role in determining the geometry of later fault systems.

  • Journal article
    Bulygina N, McIntyre N, Wheater H, 2013,

    A comparison of rainfall-runoff modelling approaches for estimating impacts of rural land management on flood flows

    , Hydrology Research, Vol: 44, Pages: 467-483
  • Journal article
    Lambelet M, Rehkaemper M, de Flierdt TV, Xue Z, Kreissig K, Coles B, Porcelli D, Andersson Pet al., 2013,

    Isotopic analysis of Cd in the mixing zone of Siberian rivers with the Arctic Ocean-New constraints on marine Cd cycling and the isotope composition of riverine Cd

    , EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS, Vol: 361, Pages: 64-73, ISSN: 0012-821X
  • Conference paper
    Terdich N, Martinez-Botas R, 2013,

    Experimental efficiency characterization of an electrically assisted turbocharger

    , ISSN: 0148-7191

    Electrically assisted turbochargers consist of standard turbochargers modified to accommodate an electric motor/generator within the bearing housing. Those devices improve engine transient response and low end torque by increasing the power delivered to the compressor. This allows a larger degree of engine down-sizing and down-speeding as well as a more efficient turbocharger to engine match, which translates in lower fuel consumption. In addition, the electric machine can be operated in generating mode during steady state engine running conditions to extract a larger fraction of the exhaust energy. Electric turbocharger assistance is therefore a key technology for the reduction of fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. In this paper an electrically assisted turbocharger, designed to be applied to non-road medium duty diesel engines, is tested to obtain the turbine and electrical machine efficiency characteristics. The radial turbine is of the variable geometry type where the mass flow characteristics are changed by varying the vanes angle. The motor/generator is of the switched reluctance type and has a maximum speed of over 135,000 rev/min. The turbine and the motor/generator have been characterized with two different experiments. The turbine has been tested in cold flow on a specifically built dynamometer available at Imperial College. This allowed extending the turbine maps available from the manufacturer and to separate the bearing and heat transfer losses from the aerodynamic performance. To test the electrical machine, a prototype of the assisted turbocharger has been modified by removing the compressor and by placing the bearing housing on gimbal bearings. By measuring the speed, the reaction torque on the bearing housing and the electrical power, the efficiency of the electrical machine has been calculated. Turbine testing results show a peak turbine efficiency of 69% at a velocity ratio of 0.65 with 60% vane opening. Results in the electrical machine testing

  • Journal article
    Plant JA, Bone J, Voulvoulis N, Kinniburgh DG, Smedley PL, Fordyce FM, Klinck Bet al., 2013,

    Arsenic and Selenium

    , Vol: 11, Pages: 13-57

    This chapter outlines the main effects of arsenic and selenium on human and animal health, their abundance and distribution in the environment, sampling and analysis, and the main factors controlling their speciation and cycling. Such information should help identify aquifers, water resources and soils at risk from high concentrations of arsenic and selenium, and areas of selenium deficiency. Human activity has had, and is likely to continue to have, a major role in releasing arsenic and selenium from the geosphere and in perturbing the natural distribution of these and other elements over the Earth's surface. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  • Journal article
    Vineis P, 2013,

    Politics and climate change

    , EPIDEMIOLOGIA & PREVENZIONE, Vol: 37, Pages: 185-186, ISSN: 1120-9763
  • Journal article
    Mac Dowell N, Samsatli NJ, Shah N, 2013,

    Dynamic modelling and analysis of an amine-based post-combustion CO₂ capture absorption column

  • Journal article
    Zulkafli Z, Buytaert W, Onof C, Lavado W, Guyot JLet al., 2013,

    A critical assessment of the JULES land surface model hydrology for humid tropical environments

    , HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, Vol: 17, Pages: 1113-1132, ISSN: 1027-5606
  • Journal article
    Vineis P, 2013,

    Why climate change is not taken seriously?

    , EPIDEMIOLOGIA & PREVENZIONE, Vol: 37, Pages: 406-407, ISSN: 1120-9763
  • Journal article
    Wu B, Yufit V, Campbell J, Offer GJ, Martinez-Botas RF, Brandon NPet al., 2013,

    Simulated and experimental validation of a fuel cell-supercapacitor passive hybrid system for electric vehicles

    , IET Conference Publications, Vol: 2013

    The concept of a fuel cell-supercapacitor hybrid system involves the direct coupling of the two devices to achieve the same benefits of hybridisation but without the need for costly DCDC converters. Using an experimentally validated steady state fuel cell model and a transmission line based supercapacitor model, it has been shown that the passive hybridisation allows for efficiency gains of approximately 16% compared to a pure fuel cell system. Under load, the supercapacitors meets the peak power requirement due to their lower impedance giving the FC time to ramp up. Under no load conditions, the fuel cell gradually charges the supercapacitors back to the steady state thermodynamic equilibrium potential. A fast fourier transform analysis of the respective loads under an automotive drive cycle showed that the supercapacitors act as a low pass filter, reducing the magnitude of load oscillations from the fuel cell. This therefore addresses two of the main modes of fuel cell degradation in automotive applications: rapid power cycling and no load idling.

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