Organisation of the seminar series is student-led and supported by the Grantham Institute. The aim is to complement the diversity of research here at Imperial College London and promote links to the broader environmental community in UK and beyond. 

Changing planet events

List of previous speakers - to view previous Changing Planet seminars, see our YouTube playlist

  • Jim Skea, Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
  • Stephanie Wray - Founder and Managing Director, Nature Positive, and Chief Sustainability Officer, RSK
  • Professor Guy Howard - Director Cabot Institute, University of Bristol
  • Dr Reshma Rao and Dr Gbemi - Grantham Lecturers
  • Murray Moinester - Emeritus Professor of Physics, Tel Aviv University
  • Dr Bonnie Waring - Senior Lecturer, Grantham Institute for Climate Change
  • Tammy Mayer - Founder and Director of One Climate Action
  • Dr Ivan Sudakow - Lecturer in Applied Mathematics at the Open University
  • Sir James Bevan - Chief Executive, Environment Agency (EA)
  • Professor Jo Williams -  Senior Lecturer, Bartlett School of Planning, Director of Circular Cities Hub
  • Professor Gideon Henderson - Chief Scientific Adviser, Defra; Professor of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford
  • Dr Caroline Wainwright - Lecturer, Grantham Institute
  • Johanna Eklund - Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki
  • Dr Sian Henley - Lecturer in Marine Science at the University of Edinburgh
  • Dr Cressida Bowyer - Senior Research Fellow in the Faculty of Science and Health and the Faculty of Creative and Cultural Industries at the University of Portsmouth, and Deputy Lead for the University's Revolution Plastics initiative
  • Dr Nathalie Seddon - Professor of Biodiversity at the University of Oxford
  • Dr Sarah Venturini - Climate Coordinator at the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Secretariat, and expert advisor on the Caribbean and Indian Ocean, the Western Balkans, Central Asia, the Middle East and Europe
  • Professor Tim Jackson - Ecological Economist and writer
  • Joyce Msuya -  Assistant Secretary-General of the UN and Deputy Executive Director, UN Environment Programme
  • Professor David Keith -  Professor at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and at the Harvard Kennedy School, and founder of Carbon Engineering
  • Professor E.J Milner-Gulland - Tasso Leventis Professor of Biodiversity; Director, Interdisciplinary Centre for Conservation Science; Fellow of Merton College, University of Oxford
  • Professor Rebecca Willis - Professor in Practice, Lancaster Environment Centre & Expert Lead for Climate Assembly UK
  • Professor Jim Watson - Professor of Energy Policy and Research Director, Institute of Sustainable Resources, UCL
  • Linnea Luuppala - Doctoral Candidate in Social and Moral Philosophy, University of Helsinki
  • Chloé Farand -senior reporter at Climate Home News
  • Dr Friederike Otto - Acting Director of the Environmental Change Institute - University of Oxford
  • Farhana Yamin - internationally recognised environmental lawyer, climate change policy expert and activist
  • Simon Pirani - author of Burning Up: A Global History of Fossil Fuel Consumption and Senior Research Fellow at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies
  • Jenny Chase - head of Bloomberg NEF's solar analysis team and author of Solar Power Finance Without the Jargon
  • Maria Adebowale-Schwarte - founder of the Living Space Project and commissioner for the London Sustainable Development Commission
  • Dr Paul Hardisty - CEO of the Australian Institute of Marine Science
  • Dr Tamsin Edwards - Lecturer in Climate Science at King's College London, blogger and media pundit
  • Professor Janet Scott - Professor of Sustainable Chemistry at University of Bath
  • Leo Hickman - Editor at Carbon Brief
  • Professor Sir Brian Hoskins - Chair, The Grantham Institute
  • Professor Jim Skea - Co-Chair, Working Group III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
  • Professor Sir Charles Godfray - Professor of Population Biology and Director, Martin School at Oxford University
  • Dr Lauren Gregoire - Research Fellow, Univeristy of Leeds
  • Professor Sir Andy Haines - Professor of Environmental Change and Public Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
  • Jane Burston - Head of Climate Change, National Physical Laboratory
  • Dame Georgina Mace - Professor of Biodiversity and Ecosystems, and Head of the Centre for Biodiversity and Environment Research - University College London
  • Lord Nicholas Stern, IG Paten Professor of Economics and the Environment, London School of Economics
  • Josue Tanaka, Managing Director at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Redevelopment
  • Jan Semenza, Head of the Scientific Assessment Section at the European Centre for Disease Prevention in Stockholm
  • Christiana Figueres, former Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change