JACARDI seeks to reduce the burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes by increasing awareness of related risks and the acceptance of innovative lifestyle interventions. JACARDI plans to implement 142 pilots that will reach and improve the care of millions of people in Europe.

JACARDI aims to create a more equitable and sustainable healthcare system across Europe by establishing a common methodology and harmonizing procedures for the implementation of the pilot studies. This will also help demonstrate the scalability of interventions for NCDs.

By working with 21 European countries, JACARDI will also ensure diversity in terms of cultural backgrounds, public health priorities, and healthcare systems. Wide geographical coverage and extensive pilot implementations are expected to provide a wealth of data for mutual learning and the identification of successful practices.


  • Enhance health literacy and raise awareness about cardiovascular disease (CVD) and diabetes among the general population.
  • Implement effective primary prevention measures, screening and improved care pathways for CVD and diabetes among high-risk groups.
  • Enhance self-management support, and labour market participation for individuals diagnosed with CVD and diabetes.
  • Improve data availability, quality, and accessibility across the patient journey.
  • Promote equity in access to healthcare services and information, ensuring that everyone has equal opportunities regardless of language proficiency, abilities, age, or life situation.

CHEPI involvement:

CHEPI will be supporting work package 5 (WP5) in JACARDI: Methodological framework and integrative approach for technical WPs, pilots’ implementations and assessment and inclusion of transversal and intersectional aspects.

In particular, CHEPI will be working with Bocconi University to deliver task 5.6.3. This will use the Health-GPS policy simulation tool to estimate the longer-term health and economic outcomes of selected pilot studies.

Principal investigator: Dr Benedetta Armocida (ISS)

CHEPI Lead: Professor Franco Sassi

Funder: European Commission (Joint Action)

Partners: ISS, Sciensano, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Cyprus, HZJZ, THL, SZU, Agence Nationale de Sante Publique, Ministry of Health Greece, Semmelweis Egyetem, Landlaeknis Embaettid, HSE Ireland, SPKC, Higienos Institutas, Ministry for Health Malta, Helsedirektoratet, Uniwersytet Medyczny im Karola Marcinkowskieg, Ministerio da Saude Portugal, Institutul National de Sanatate Publica, NIJZ, Vicepresidencia Segunda y Consejeria de Sanidad y Servicios Sociales, State Institution Public Health Center Ukraine

Duration: November 2023 - November 2027 (48 months)