Topics: Health, Mitigation, Resources and Pollution, Economics and Finance, Impacts and adaptation
Type: Infographic
Publication date: 2021
The natural world faces many threats, including pollution, deforestation and species extinction, and while large-scale action is needed to address them it is easy to underestimate the value of our own individual voice and actions.
We spoke with world-leading scientists and experts at Imperial College London and beyond to highlight some of the most achievable ways that we as individuals can help protect the natural world. The nine tips highlighted in our digital feature, include making your home a haven for wildlife, sustainable shopping, saving water, choosing to be a nature-friendly tourist and of course using the power of conversation with local councillors and friends and family to spread positive change. To help spread the word we’ve created an explainer video (below) and 9 things you can do to protect the natural world flyer to go alongside our digital feature.
9 things you can do to protect the natural world explainer video
Content produced by Nicole Kuchapski, Neil Jennings, Sam Ibbott, Hana Amer, Simon Levey and Nic Flatt (Fat Panda) with particular thanks to Emily Lewis-Brown, Abi Croker, James Rosindell, Bonnie Waring, Tilly Collins, Judy Ling Wong, Galina Jönsson, Nicola Davies and EJ Milner-Gulland for their suggestions on the content.
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