We help inform innovative management policies that enable business leaders to guard against future risk, as well as grow their organisation responsibly. Promoting sustainable business growth and responsible leadership is essential for societal and economic health, and research-led innovative thinking is key to this. Our research specialises in optimising emerging economies for social good and innovation. Let our world-class experts give you the ideas and confidence to make better management decisions.

Why renewable energy outperforms fossil fuels
Analysis by Imperial’s Centre for Climate Finance & Investment shows how renewable energy has benefitted from technological improvements, policy support and lower financing costs.

How flexible working can work for women
Professional women have been campaigning for more agile and flexible working for decades. So now that many have it, why doesn’t it feel like a victory?

What form of business enterprise will enable a green recovery?
Current models of business enterprise and economic growth are the main barriers to delivering a green recovery. Imperial’s Leonardo Centre on Business for Society offers a platform for collaborative efforts to remove those obstacles.

How to build your network after the pandemic
A well-maintained network can help broaden your skill set and bring diverse views and ideas that accelerate your work. Giving your network a little TLC now will pay dividends in the year ahead

Why we resist the changes we want to see
Studies of top UK law firms show why organisational change can meet resistance even when employees support it

What does my job say about me?
We have more freedom than ever to define our own identities, but what other people think of our skills, ideas and thinking isn’t entirely under our own control

3 tips for delegating more effectively
Create more time to focus on the things that matter – practical tips for managers

Centralisation vs decentralisation: the disastrous confusion at the heart of Britain’s approach to coronavirus
The failures in the British government’s response to COVID-19 come down to a familiar organisational problem: whether to centralise or decentralise

COVID-19 and the end of the daily commute
Once COVID-19 passes, the success of remote working and lack of commuting could promote a permanent digital transformation within the workplace.

Seven minutes of mindfulness makes you a better colleague
Practising seven minutes of mindfulness at work can reduce stress for your employees and boost generosity between them.

Brexit: why too much information leads to uncertainty and chaos
Noisy information prevents people uniting around an objective truth

Your company's history is a proprietary resource
Corporate stories must be curated and nurtured – they’re a valuable asset for the future