Applying For Accommodation

My details have changed - can you amend them on the system?

If you have changed your email address or home address details since submitting your UCAS application, you will need to update this with UCAS and inform your department.

Unfortunately we cannot amend details that you have provided through your UCAS application. 

If you have been using a school email address we strongly reccommend that you change this to a personal email address now.

Can I change my selections once I've submitted my form?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to change your selection for any reason once you have submitted the form. 

Ensure you are happy with your preferences before submitting the application.

If your situation has changed, (for financial or medical reasons) email us at Whilst we will be unable to change your options, we can offer further guidance and support. 

Can I visit the halls of residence?

Our halls of residences are only available to visit during offical College Open Days.

Details on the College's Open Days are available at the Visit Imperial pages.

We provide online 360 degree tours of our halls on the halls of residences webpages.



Will my hobbies, interests and sports activities be taken into account when allocating me to a room, including a twin room?

The hobbies section of the application form is used by the wardens to plan social activities in the hall. It is not used to match two people to share a twin room.

It is also not used to allocate students to halls close to their hobby or sports activity: there is no provision to change students halls for the convenience of their hobbies – like all other students, allocations are made on the 5 preferences provided in an application. Membership to an Imperial College London Sports team does not mean that you will be moved.

If I am taller than 6 foot five inches, will you provide me with a longer bed?

Longer beds can be provided for students. 

Please contact the Student Accommodation Office at at the point of application to notify us that you require a longer bed.

Due to either religious reasons or diet choice, I do not wish to share accommodation with people of a specific gender or opposite dietary habits.

All of the halls are mixed gender and students are not allocated due to their gender preferences.

If you have an allergy or a specific dietary choice and do not want to share food or kitchen appliances with others, we recommend that you bring containers and bags with you to halls to store your food and ensure you have your own equipment to use.

Can I apply for college accommodation in halls if I took an Interruption of Studies during my first year?

If you took your Interruption of Studies during your first academic year, you will only be eligible to apply for a place in halls, if you stayed in college halls of residence for the first term only (or less). Please note that accommodation is not guaranteed.

If you took your Interruption of Studies during your first academic year, and stayed in college halls of residence beyond the first term, you will not be eligible for a place in halls of residence when you return.

If you are unsure of your eligibility, please contact us with your query, including your College ID number, at


Accepting Accommodation

How do you allocate the undergraduate rooms?

Please note that whilst we guarantee accommodation, we unfortunately can not guarantee that you will get one of your five preferences.

When I receive my offer, what should I do?

The offer of accommodation will be sent to you by email. It is therefore important that you regularly check your email. Please reply to your offer immediately. If you do not reply within the deadline, your offer will be withdrawn and the room will immediately be offered to another student. All students receive one offer and one offer only.

What happens if I don't respond to my offer before the deadline?

If you don't respond to your offer by the deadline, your room will be reallocated to another student. If there is a reason why you cannot respond within this time (for example you are out of the country) then you must notify the Student Accommodation Office straight away. Failure to do so may unfortunately result in the loss of your place in halls.

What happens if I am not happy with the accommodation I have been offered?

Please reject in AccHub and provide a reason for your rejection. An offer rejection cannot be made by accident and cannot be retracted at a later date.

How do I cancel my accommodation booking once I have accepted the offer for the room?

To cancel your accommodation booking please complete this cancellation form. There may be cancellation charges depending on when you cancel your booking; the charges are listed in the contract that you will have accepted. You can find a copy of the contract online.

Medical and wellbeing information sharing policy

By submitting an application for accommodation, you agree that the information provided to us is full and accurate, including any medical condition, disability or access requirement you have. Please note that it is unlikely that we will be able to make a change to your offer of accommodation if you withhold information that would prevent our office making an appropriate allocation for you.

Please be advised that the information you have provided may be shared with your: Hall Warden and their Wardening teams, the Village Manager and their Residential Services teams, the Imperial College Disability Advisory Service and the Imperial College Health Centre, and in some instances with your academic department.

Arrival and Moving In

When can I move into the halls of residence?

Arrival day is Saturday 28 September 2024. More information about arrival procedures will be sent in due course. It will not be possible to arrive earlier than arrival day. 

When will I find out my room number?

You will be given your room number upon your arrival at the hall. Unfortunately we cannot give out the room number before this date.

What do I need to bring with me when living in the hall?

Due the changes we're making for the Arrivals period this year, we have more specific advice on what to bring on our Moving into Halls page.

Are there any items that I cannot bring with me?

You are advised to not bring the following prohibited item with you:

Please read the section Hall Rules on page 4 in the Licence Terms & Conditions for College Accommodation 2015 - 2016 Academic Year.

Is there anywhere I can store my belongings before I move in?

Unfortunately, for security reasons, we are unable to store belongings before you arrive.

Ordering a bedding or a kitchen pack in advance is a great way of reducing the amount of stuff you bring with you and it removes all the hassle of shopping for the things you need! You will also need to bring a network cable but, if you don't bring one then you can purchase one when you arrive from the Imperial College Union shop.

Can I bring my car with me?

We advise all students not to bring a car to the London campuses as parking permits in College are only issued to students in cases of disability. Parking on London streets is strictly controlled and very expensive.

At the Silwood Park campus, there is parking for 25 student cars. Applications for permits should be made to Security Reception as soon after arrival as possible.

Can I bring a pet with me to live in halls?

Pets are not allowed in halls or on campus, except those registered to provide assistance to disabled people or those with certain medical conditions.

Assistance dogs are defined as those who assist people:

  • who are blind/visibly impaired (often referred to as ‘guide dogs’)
  • who are deaf or who have hearing impairments (often referred to as ‘hearing dogs’), and/or
  • who have disabilities which limit their ability to do tasks such as opening doors or calling for help (often referred to as ‘support dogs’)

Please note that therapy or emotional support dogs in the UK are not considered to be assistance dogs and are not permitted. 

I have already booked my flight / train travel at the start of term and will arrive in London a few days early: can I move into halls early?

The halls do not accept any arrivals earlier than the date/s stipulated in the AccHub e-induction, which you will have access to once you accept your offer for a room in halls. Please see the accommodation timeline for information about Arrival Weekend:

When I move into halls, can my family member stay in my room with me for the first few weeks?

No, family members cannot stay in halls.


Can I bring electrical kitchen equipment with me to halls, to use in my room?

No. Students cannot use their own electrical kitchen equipment in their room, due to fire safety regulations. All equipment should be used in the kitchen only; please refer to your AccHub E-induction which lists prohibited items. The only circumstances that a student would be allowed such an item in the room would be if they have confirmation from the college approved GP service that it is necessary for their medical condition, and the item will be provided by the college.

Facilities and Provisions

What sizes are the rooms?

The size and shape of individual rooms may vary for each room type within individual halls. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide the precise dimensions of each room, or the bedroom windows.

What is provided in the room?

All study bedrooms are equipped with a bed, study desk, chair, wardrobe, shelving, desk lamp, curtains, chest of drawers, notice board, book shelf/case. If you are diabetic or have a medical condition that requires your items to be refrigerated separately in your room, please email with subject heading "Refrigerator", with your CID number. Please note that we will require a medical letter from your doctor or consultant, with full details of your medical condition, any medication you are required to take and why it is necessary for you to have a fridge in your study bedroom. This information will then be passed onto the Imperial College Health Centre for their recommendation. If your request for a fridge is supported by the Health Centre, we will place one in your study bedroom.


How do you determine the rates for rent?

Rents are determined by assessing numerous factors including room type, the facilities within the room (e.g. en-suite provision) and location of hall from campus. You can find out more about our approach to hall rents on our website.

What is included in the rent?

The rent includes all utility bills including, electric, water, gas and internet.

Will I need a TV licence for my room?

If you bring a TV with you, the TV licensing authority requires that you have a licence. Please visit for more information.

What fire safety measures do you have in student accommodation buildings?

All student accommodation offered by Imperial has robust fire safety measures in place.  See more information about fire safety in student accommodation.

Can't find what you are looking for? Email the Student Accomodation Office to ask your question.