All of our student accommodation has robust fire safety measures in place, including automatic fire detection, alarms, regular audits and teams of highly trained staff ready to respond 24/7. Watch the fire safety video appropriate for your halls from the options below or view our fire safety induction.
Fire safety videos
- Fire safety in North Acton Halls (Woodward Building and Kemp Porter Buildings ).
- Fire safety in Imperial halls of residence - excluding North Acton
- Fire Safety precautions in College residences
Fire Safety video
Our newer halls of residence in North Acton have different fire procedures to our other halls.
Watch this video to find out what you need to do in the event of a fire, evacuation procedures and how to prevent fire in the first place.
Fire safety video for North Acton Halls
This video shows what you should do in the event of a fire in one of our halls - with the exception of Woodward Buildings and Kemp Porter Building. Residents of these halls should watch the video in the drop-down above.
Stay safe in Halls
All student accommodation offered by Imperial College London has robust fire safety measures in place:
- Residential buildings include automatic fire detection in each room and throughout communal areas. Fire detectors and alarms have backup power supplies and are maintained by specialist engineers. There are also manual alarm buttons present in all buildings - these can be triggered by anyone who may discover an outbreak of fire before it is automatically detected.
- There are staff available 24/7 in each hall who are trained in how to respond in the event of fire alarm activation.
- We conduct fire drills, including while people are asleep, to check that our fire evacuation processes are effective.
- Checks and audits of our buildings are regularly carried out and we work very closely with the local Fire Brigade who inspect our halls.
- All of our halls are signed up to the UUK Student Accommodation Code or the National Code which protect our students rights to a safe, good quality place to live.
More information on College fire safety can be found on the estates webpages
Fire safety
Fire within residential accommodations are considered one of the biggest risks. Whilst our buildings have robust safety measure in place, taking sensible precautions can significantly reduce the risk. Many people underestimate the rapid spread of fire and smoke within a building. It is crucial to prioritise safety by adhering to the following guidelines:
- Read fire safety notices
- Do not tamper with, obstruct or remove any notice or equipment provided for fire safety
- Familiarise yourself with emergency escape routes for your room, floor, common areas, etc.
- Do not obstruct fire routes or doors
- Keep fire doors closed
It is essential to understand that self-closing fire doors and other fire precautions, while possibly inconvenient, safeguard your escape route from flames, heat, and smoke during a fire. Student Halls adhere to the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order, mandating regular inspections and fire risk assessments. Non-compliance can result in prosecution, with fines of up to £5,000 and/or two years imprisonment for offenses such as propping open fire doors, unauthorized use of fire extinguishers, tampering with detectors, and obstructing fire escape routes.
Additionally, the fire service may charge for responding to false alarms, and these costs will be passed on to the concerned student(s).
Support during evacuation
If you think you may have difficulty in hearing the alarm or evacuating a building unaided in the event of an emergency you will require a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP). These will be conducted by your warden or Hall Supervisor.
You will require a PEEP if you have:
- A mobility or sensory impairment
- A temporary injury (e.g. you may be on crutches)
- Difficulty coping in crowds
- In case of burnt food, open the kitchen window to dissipate smoke. Avoid opening doors to prevent smoke from triggering fire alarms in the corridor
- Deep fat frying is prohibited in halls
- Cooking is not allowed in individual rooms
- Smoking any substance, including vapes, is strictly prohibited
- The use of open flames, such as barbecues, candles, incense, oil burners, and hookah pipes, is strictly forbidden
- Avoid using deodorants directly beneath smoke detectors to prevent false alarms
- If you have an en-suite bathroom, remember to close the door when showering
- Do not attempt to disconnect or cover smoke detectors