Theo Hughes July 2018
The practicalities of transitioning to active learning
Theo Hughes, Monash University
Wednesday 4 July
ACEX 203
South Kensington Campus
Significant research exists around the advantages of active learning, particularly in comparison to less effective approaches such as "traditional lectures". However, "active learning" is a very broad and nebulous term, and even if one does have an idea of where one is going, the practicalities of change (with issues related to finance, staffing, cultural roadblocks etc.) can be quite daunting. I will discuss a concrete example of what the School of Physics and Astronomy at Monash University has done, and is still going through, and discuss this in relation to the broader landscape of change at Monash, and examples elsewhere. I will also touch on issues surrounding the assessment of such change.
This talk will complement the perspective given by Peter Lepage in his talk at Imperial in December 2017. It is hosted in partnership with the Department of Physics as part of the Perspectives in Education lecture series.
Theo Hughes is the Education Manager in the School of Physics and Astronomy at Monash University.
View the slides from this lecture: Theo Hughes - The practicalities of transitioning to active learning [PDF]