Focus on programme-level assessment design
Workshop details
This workshop does not have set dates. If you are interested in the workshop, please email one of the contacts below.
By-request workshops for groups
This workshop does not have set dates. In order to tailor it to the specific needs of those involved, it runs on a by-request basis. If you wish to run this workshop for a group of colleagues from your department, faculty, hospital, trust, division or campus, please complete the workshop by-request online form and we will contact you in due course to further discuss your request and to arrange a suitable date, time and location.
Consultancy for individuals
If you would like some personal advice on the subject area concerned, please feel free to contact us using our consultancy service. Those who have responsibility for assessments across a module/theme, year group or degree programme. The workshop will focus on using programme level learning outcomes to plan teaching, learning and assessment and to inform the quality assurance process. It will be particularly useful for those approaching curriculum review and development.
Whilst this workshop may be useful for individuals with a specific educational design task, it is of most value for a programme design team working together, with EDU input. Depending on the need, this workshop can be taught in two stages, providing the opportunity for follow up and application of principles.
Participants are recommended to buy or to borrow a copy of Developing Effective Assessment in Higher Education: A Practical Guide (at Amazon) by Sue Bloxham and Pete Boyd, which is used as a resource book in the workshop and is suitable for future reference. This book is also available at Central Library Level 2 (371.27 BLO).
Key areas
- The importance of looking at assessment and feedback design at a programme level
- Engaging students around assessment and feedback
- Establishing assessment environments that support learning
This workshop is best suited for programme teams wanting to look at assessment design more holistically to understand better how assessments on different modules interact and affect student learning. The participants should be familiar with basic assessment methods, as addressed in the workshops Introduction to assessment for active learning,A practical guide to designing effective assessment questions and marking rubrics and An Introduction to embedding feedback litracy.
The assessment and feedback methods reviewed in the workshop are also addressed in Chapters Four to Seven of the book Developing Effective Assessment in Higher Education: A Practical Guide (at Amazon) by Sue Bloxham and Pete Boyd.
Imperial STAR Framework
This workshop is particularly suitable for those seeking recognition at D1 or D2 level of the Imperial STAR Framework. It addresses the following dimensions of the Professional Standards Framework (PSF 2023): A1, A2, A3, A4, K2, K3, K5, V2, V3, V4, V5.