Workshop details


This workshop isn’t currently running online, dates for 2021-22 will be advertised from August. Please subscribe to the EDU newsletter to receive updates on forthcoming EDU offerings.



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Who should attend?

This workshop is for staff who design and/or mark students’ assessments. In particular, this session is for staff who would like to review their existing practice and explore alternative and innovative/authentic assessment methods. By authentic assessment, we mean a form of assessment in which students are asked to perform tasks that lead to skills and knowledge relevant for a range of ‘real-world’ activities beyond education.

In this workshop, we will explore the features and rationales of authentic assessment, introduce a range of authentic assessment methods through case studies, identify its strengths and weaknesses, discuss the use of rubrics for marking this type of assessment, and facilitate discussions on how different ideas might be adapted to your own learning and teaching contexts. There will be a hands-on opportunity to apply the ‘authentic’ element into your assessment practice.

This workshop is intended to complement the Introduction to assessment for active learning, A practical guide to setting and marking assessments and A practical guide to giving effective feedback workshops. These four assessment-related workshops are meant to be complementary; attending all of them is not compulsory but is worthwhile if you are involved in reviewing/refining both formative and summative assessment. A more advanced Focus on programme-level assessment design workshop is also available for staff with responsibilities for entire modules or programmes.

Key areas

Imperial STAR Framework

This workshop may support those seeking recognition at D1 (or D2) level of the Imperial STAR Framework. It addresses the following dimensions of the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) (at Higher Education Academy): A1, A2, A3, A4, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6, V1, V2, V3, V4.