Blackboard Learn Introduction for Staff

Introduction for staff video

The teaching and learning materials in Blackboard are delivered to students through a Blackboard course. Each course contains content specific to the enrolled cohort of students and is usually associated with a particular faculty or department.

The content, enrollments, and administration of courses in Blackboard are the responsibility of the associated Faculty or Department.

For help and guidance of the best pedagogy of how to build your course, which tools to use and when, we recommend contacting your Faculty Ed-Tech Lab.

External links block

Communicate with Students

There are a number of tools from Blackboard and other integrated tools you can use to facilitate communication and collaboration between you and your students.

Blackboard Tools

Integrated Tools


You can create student assignments in your course by using the Blackboard assignment feature.

This feature allows you to mark the assignments, delegate grading amongst staff and set up anonymous marking.

How To

Integrated Tools


Blackboard has a number of tools you can use for student assessment

Integrated Tools

more tools


Ally focuses on making digital content in Blackboard Learn more accessible for all staff and students. It assesses the accessibility of content and provides a report with guidance for instructors to improve course accessibility.

See our support page for more information on how Blackboard Ally can assist you in making your course and content more accessible.

Blackboard Learn App

You can use the Learn App to manage courses, mark submissions and grade assignments.

To find out more information see our help page about the Blackboard Learn App.