Female student at work

Key information

  • To apply, submit a 250-word statement  (details in main text)
  • Deadline for submissions is the end of June before the Summer recess
  • The course accepts 68 students per year
  • Successful applicants will be informed by mid-September

For any enquiries contact Course Administrator Jennifer Haley (j.haley@imperial.ac.uk).

Students apply for 'Follow My Footsteps' towards the end of their first year of Medical School. In June each year, all Year 1 students are sent an invitation to apply for the course by submitting a statement of 250 words telling the course leads why they want to take part and how their interests and experience demonstrate an interest in child development. The deadline for submissions is the end of June before the Summer recess. The course is currently limited to accepting 68 students each year but we hope to expand this in the future as the course has been oversubscribed each year.

The course leads grade the student statements against several pre-advertised criteria (see frequently asked questions for details) and students are informed by mid-September if they have been successful. Those students accepted onto the course receive the names of all their fellow students and are asked to contact each other and find a partner to visit their mother and child with. They will remain in their pair for the duration of the course. 

'Follow My Footsteps' is an exciting opportunity to visit a mother before she gives birth and follow her and her family as they adjust to their new circumstances after the baby's arrival. Students will enjoy learning as they visit their family and gain further valuable insights when they present and discuss their experiences with both their tutors and fellow students.

If you have any questions or require further information please contact the Course Administrator Jennifer Haley (j.haley@imperial.ac.uk).